Have a great week!
Hello everyone- once again I have been MIA from the site! But I am back and just got caught up reading all the posts since I was gone. Jesi- glad to see you back! Dixie- hope you are doing well with your recovery. I have been naughty this past week!
I think primarily because I have spent every spare minute shopping!!
(I am now 97% done by the way!)
I have not worked out and have not eaten as well as I should have- skipping a meal here or there and just not paying as much attention to the routine of eating 5 meals a day and making sure I hit my protein goals.
BUT THIS WEEK WILL BE BETTER! Here are my goals this week-
1. Get back to the track and get my 2.5 miles in
2. DRINK DRINK DRINK- and then drink some more.
3. PROTEIN- more of it!
Good luck to all of you and best wishes for a great week!

I am actually looking forward to this week.....seems like I finally have stuff done.....Xmas cards are done and ready to be sent.....All of my packages that have to be sent are pretty much ready to go....I did a BIG list of errands today....so the rest of the week should be pretty nice
My hubbys 30th birthday is the 14th.....we will go out for supper and then this weekend to Charles City so he can hunt and I can shop with my mom
The kids Christmas concert is Thursday night (got cancelled last Thursday due to snow) and I am looking forward to that too! My eating is okay.......Kinda scared about next week tho when it is time to make xmas cookies and stuff. We are ordering a nice Nordictrack treadmill also, that will help with the exercise! I need to get one of those little pill boxes and take my pills with me......being out all day, it is getting harder to squeeze all the pills in at night
SO this week my goals are pretty much the same......Make it thru the week
Take Care