receipe books?
Hi Angel,
I'm sorry that your meat isn't sitting well with you, I had the same problem early out, but now no problems at all. I also lost your phone number, the day you called we had gotten into an accident and wrecked our van (still dont have it back yet) but when I remembered that you had called I had deleted all calls from my cell phone by accedent. Sorry!! I hope everything is going good for you. Is the hubby home yet? Oh to answer your question on recipe books...sorry I dont know of any.

Hi nancy so sorry to hear about your accident i hope everyone is ok. My # is 773-8568 or 542-1106. I didn't want to bother you. I wanted to tell you when i got off the phone with you I got sick from that tuna. That is why I said I had to go all of a sudden. I was embarrased. My mouth filled up and I had to throw up. Just like you said it happened to you at KFC. It happens often now i just am staying away from those foods and staying with smooth foods.
Call me
I don't know of any good recipe books either to tell ya the truth....the few I have looked at are pretty fancy cooking....and well I am not a fancy cooker
I am serious about getting together.....give me a call....Did you try the boca burgers?? I would go to you can usually find cheap books there.....type in WLS cookbooks or something like that.....and a lot of the times the used books are like $2 with minimum shipping. Take Care and good luck

It's not a book persay, but I have over 200 free recipes on my website that I've created postop RNY.
(((HUGS))), Toots