Help! Should Care Change?
I have a friend that is doing a study of pre- & post- care. His question is ... If you could, what would you do differently if you knew then what you know now?
Please be frank & brutually honest. For that reason, if you don't wish to post here you can email your responses directly to me at [email protected].
This is purely for research purposes, no names, or any other personal information would be used. He's interested in knowing what you would like to see change with regard to care... Body, spirit, diet, socially ... everything.
In advance, thanks for your help!

WOW, Lyn, don't you look fabulous! Boy, do you get "IT" with regard to our responsibility of we choose to undergo this change through surgery!!! Because you are on the same page, if you don't mind, I have a couple of follow up questions:
1) How do you feel that pre-op patients could be more preared mentally to deal with letting go of carbs and any food addictions that you may have had prior to surgery? On these levels: a) Surgeon's Office b) Counseling c) Support Group d) OH Website research?
2) What would you, personally, like to see with regard to mental prep for pre-surgical patients today?
3) What would you say to a pre-op patient about "being preapred" if you were given a forum to give a speech?
I appreciate your frankness and I'm enjoying our discussion! I look forward to hearing more about your journey.