By any chance does anyone know of a plastic surgeon that accepts medicare/medicaid? The one I was going to see has quit taking those insurances. Prefer to stay away from Iowa City if at all possible.
Have had 2 outpatient tests these past 2 Friday's. One was ultra sound on my neck to see about clogged arteries & yesterday was MRI with an injection so see if there is any blockage. Will know results next week. Just haven't been feeling quite right about the way I did before my heart attack. The neck tests came back fine so will have to see what the MRI says. Did find out have ear infection in each of my ears & my calcium is a little low rest of blood work is doing fine.
Everyone have a good weekend.
Hi Carolyn
I'm not sure where Kinsgley is, but if you're near Des Moines, Dr. Eibes, ( he is originally from Grinnell) is supposed to have his office open tomorrow, (Monday, December 12,) He did my surgery, I was on Medicaid, (Gastric Bypass) I did ask him if Medicaid would pay for the plastics, and he says if you have the lower back pain, and the rashes and stuff, yes, they will pay. He only does the Tummy Tucks, but I believe I heard he was going to hire a plastic surgeon a couple months after he opened up to do the breasts, but at this time, it was just the Tummy Tucks
Dr. Eibes information is
6000 University
Ste 300
West Des Moines, IA 50266
His office is in the Lakeside Medical plaza, and his surgeries will happen at Iowa Methodist Hospital.
Any questions, I'll be happy to answer if I can.
Take Care
Lisa Young
That would really be great if there was one at the Dunes! I wasn't going to have plastics BUT the rashes are driving me crazy. Can you find out who it is? Know they wouldn't take medicaid for gastric did my homework on that one but that was 2 yrs ago also. Please let me know as my dr is ready to make all phone calls & faxes for me!!
After holidays we need to get together! Haven't seen you or Janet forever!
Hey stranger.....where are you hiding? We miss you on here!! Have you heard/read that Andrea is pregnant with twins
She is due in May as with Stephanie A too! How is life treating you? I too had the nasty itchy/sore rashes.....I had my TT in August and having a little repair work done Jan 3rd......Anyways try to pop on here more!!! Take Care