Any good weekend plans?
Not much of anything around here......Thank goodness! I need a weekend to relax and catch up on laundry and stuff! Maybe finish wrapping all the Christmas presents. Again, nothing too exciting! It should be pretty quiet too.....I have one daughter going to a sleep-over and I am mad at hubby, so won't be talking to him
Anyone else doing anything good? I wish I were out shopping, but I am all done, and I hate the crowds! Well~hope all is well with everyone and have a good weekend! Take Care

Not much going one here either. Still moving alittle slow but I am sleeping at nites anyways. With alittle help from the doctor and a little pill called Ambien!!!!!! I am still itching all over. I find that alot of materials I cannot stand to be touching me like our flannel sheets on the bed, Those gotta go. DH says he is going to finish the lights on top of the roof. That will probably end up with a trip to ER. Next Saturday is the big day for our daughter who grads from the UofI. Everything is ordered and friends are lined up to help. I should be able to sit and enjoy. Not done with the shoping yet, but if I don't get it done then it doesn't get done. When you have kids the age of mine, they understand . Enjoy your weekend Jesi and I will keep in touch.
I am taking it easy. My recovery from the bladder repair has been a bit bumpy. The surgery worked but I am passing blood yet & the nurse practitioner feels I may have a bladder infection. I don't think so as there is no burning, nor do I have a fever but they know more than I do so I will just take the antiobiotics & get lots of rest. I went in to the office yesterday because I am having quite a bit of pain on the left side of my groin. It's bad enough that it hurts to walk or even just stand on that leg. The doctor was off on Friday but the NP talked to her & she feels it is just the healing process. Hopefully she's right and I feel well enough to go back to work on Monday. I'm supposed to go back in on Monday if I'm no better.
The recovery from the gall bladder removal is going very well. It's a real relief to not have that constant discomfort. My 4 tiny incisions are healing nicely but I won't be doing any situps or crunches for awhile. My 2 year anniversary appointment in on Monday & they will do the followup for the GB removal then also.
I've been spending quite a bit of time this weekend making photo slideshows for my family & once they are done will burn them onto DVDs to play on their televisions. I can do them & relax in the recliner at the same time. Love my laptop.
Finally, I keep hoping to get the news that Emilee has made her entrance into the world. Can't wait to be grandma.
Just got back from Christmas shopping with mom and she bought my gifts that I was going to give to my nieces. And, just down, I need to be telling myself, it's all right. I have an appointment next week for my evaluation to get my disability. The person I was talking to, well, got her fired from her job, she slammed the phone down on me, and would never return my phone calls, I just went to her supervisor. So, I'm hoping I'll hear something back so I can go to my surgeon and talk to him.
Well, I'm going to go and take a hot bubble bath. That should do the trick, before I start to clean again. YUCK!!!
Take care
Lisa Young