1 year down Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!
In my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined being at this weight a year ago. I have lost more than was thought. I am at 136-140 and was only to get to 150-160. So now I have to gain a couple pounds to make my surgeon happy. I would be happy to maintain at this weight even. Just so I don't loose any more. It has been very interesting and life changing isn't even close to what I have been through. I know I have many more challenges ahead. But I have come this far I know I can do it. I am already tired of drinking the protein shakes, but I know I can't get enough protein in with out them so I will continue to drink them. I still can only eat about 2-3 oz of food, other than soft food like yougart, SF pudding etc. But hopefully that will change soon, I also don't believe how much the taste of food has changed for me. I don't like most of the things I used to eat. I guess that is good. Well just wanted to shout about my ann. Thanks for going down this road with me everyone. This has been an awesome sight for me to learn from. Have a good Holiday Season, love and enjoy your family. Cindy G.
Congratulations Cindy. I noticed a couple days ago that your anniversary was just around the corner. So much has happened; most all for the better. I hope you're able to get your challenges taken care of. We don't want you too thin. I wish I shared that problem though.
Incidently, today is also Jesi's anniversary. Two years for her & she is doing wonderfully too. Andrea's is tomorrow, 2 for her also. I wish we heard more from her but I guess she is very busy with her teaching, her family, & her pregnancy. Oh, and my anniversary is also tomorrow. I can't believe it's been 2 years for me either.
Thanks for the reply. I probably won't be on here tomorrow as I have the day off and hope to go shopping but we are letting school out early today because of the roads so I will just have to wait and see. Congratulations on your 2 year ann. It is an amazing feeling isn't it. You have been so helpful on these boards I really do appriciate you, and Jesi too. Have a good weekend and hope you are healing fast. Cindy G.
I HATE MY PUTER!!!!!!!!!!! I had a really heartfelt reply ready for ya, and lost it!!! My puter is evil!!!
Okay since I got that off of my chest~You have done amazing! You have taken full advantage of this journey, and I think you will have many more successful years to come
You have adapted your life to get the full value of the tool. I think that is what will make you successful in the long run! To many of us dont' adapt/change our lifestyle and we struggle or even fail. Perfect example: "I am already tired of drinking the protein shakes, but I know I can't get enough protein in with out them so I will continue to drink them." That is a great attitude....it is not about what we like, but what our body needs!!!! Too many times we give up or dont do the neccessary things because we don't wanna.....and well thats what made us get here to begin with! I wish I would have changed my thinking/life more.....I followed the rules to begin with, but let my old ways take over my thinking. Now I am up ten pounds and struggling. Keep up the great job, your doing wonderful! Happy anniversary, with many more to come!!! Take Care

You are so sweet. Thanks it means alot to me to have you respond. I have bad days or weeks where I don't eat right also. But I shake it off and start over the next day. I have suffered depression for so many years I have had to learn how to get by day to day. This was the easiest I have ever had it trying to loose weight and by no means was it easy. I know that you will get on the right track and things will start looking up for you also.
We are getting out of school early because of the roads, it has been snowing since early this morning. The kids are so excited, and I work with High School aged children. We don't have school tomorrow either so maybe that is why they are so pumped up. I hope this snow stops soon I wanted to go to Ia City shopping tomorrow.Well have a great weekend and give yourself some slack,pat yourself on your back for all you have done. I understand it is your 2 year ann. today. Way to go. You are amazing. Thanks Cindy G.