Able to Eat Anything... Help Me
I am 7 weeks out and I can so far eat anything. I have lost a total of 46 pounds and fear that I should be losing more. I don't care for chocolate, so I don't worry about that. But I can eat chips and salsa, crackers and cheese, and yesterday I ate a cream horn!!! I can't do this. What is wrong with me? I am getting all my vitamins and protein in, but for some reason, I can still eat. I am afraid that I will fail. I drink sometimes when I am eating. Is this what is causing me to slow down the weight loss? I am scared. I go to the gym at least 2-3 days a week, and that makes me feel better, but the weight is not coming off like I think it should. What can I do? I will be calling my physician next week for a check-up (first since surgery) maybe she can help me. But I KNOW you all can do more for me. Any suggestions or ideas. Please.... I would really appreciate it. Thanks for all your past support. Love Terri
Why did you try the cream horn? I made up my mind from the beginning that I couldn't eat sugar so I didn't. I was afraid it would make me dump and I didn't want that to happen. If you don't try these things your mind will play the game with you. I know how hard it is with head hunger, when you crave something sweet make sure it has artificial sweetner in it. You can make cookies and pies with splenda.
I don't want to flame you or
make you feel bad that you have done something wrong. I am just trying to suggest you try something different now. Be sure you get all your protein in. I found if I drank my shakes in the morning and at night it kept me fuller than trying to eat. Also eat 6 small meals a day there isn't much time in between to get hungry. You shouldn't be drinking with your meals. It will wash the nourishment you get on through and may make you hungry faster. You can do this, you already have lost a good amount of weight. When was the last time you lost 46 lbs in that short of a time. You have been given a tool to help with weight loss. The rest is up to you. Please don't give up, you will be successful if you do the basics. Listen to what your surgeon tells you and try to follow those rules. Good luck sweetie, we are here for you. Maybe someone else will have better ideas for you than I do. Hope this helps you get back on track. This is only my OPINION, not the gospel by any means. Let us know how you are doing. Cindy G.
(((((((HUGS TERRI))))))))))) 7weeks and 46lbs is right on track, don't feel bad about that! Chips and salsa and crackers and cheese are easy foods to eat...they go down super easy.....but they are also problem foods. If you get into the habit of eating them, it will be hard to break, and even harder to lose weight further out. In reality the first 6 months are hard to screw up, you will lose doing just about anything. It is after that when the work begins. I am SO NOT flaming....just giving an honest opinion from someone who has already been there and unfortunatly done that
If you go back right now and measure your meals, eat just the proteins and veggies.... I can almost guarntee you will get full, proabably have problems with some proteins, and feel a whole lot better about yourself. I lost my 140lbs in the first 8 months or so.....I followed all the rules....measuring out a couple ounces per meal ALWAYS eating protein first, then a veggie and felt great. Once I got further out and ****ier, is when I began snacking or eating pretzels and cheese for every meal....You can eat A LOT more cheese and crackers or chips and salsa than an egg or piece of chicken! And now I struggle....the carbs make me constantly hungry and craving more junk....It is a horrible cycle really! One I don't wanna see you go thru!!! I am working my butt of everyday trying to get back on track, and lose the 10lbs I have managed to gain! It is so hard
But if you do what your supposed to and CHANGE your eating habits now, it will be the best thing you can do for yourself ever!!!! Don't set yourself up for my struggles, they aren't fun
Keep taking your pills, getting in your protein, drinking you water, going to the gym
, but quit the carbs for a couple days....IT WILL BE HARD, I know this, believe me
But TRY it, just eat protein and veggies for a couple days and you will be eating A LOT less and feeling A lot better......You CAN eat carbs, but you need to be able to control it, and then stick to good carbs.....I cannot control them, and it sucks!!!! BEst of luck and take care......I hope to see you soon.....We might be there the weekend of the 17th....I will let ya know!!!! Hey you can always call me if you need to chat!!! Take Care (((((HUGS)))))
YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! ~jesi

You have actually done very well!! 47 lbs in 7 weeks is great!! You need to follow the rules from your surgeon as much as you can this early out! You are right, drinking with meals is not a good idea. It washes the food from your pouch, and you're hungry again too soon!! It also allows you to eat too much. Contrary to what we hear, not everyone dumps with an RNY!! I do not dump from sweets. I am a little over 1 1/2 yrs post op. I've lost 130 lbs. I have always been a sweets eater, but it seems like I crave them more now!! I did lose my taste for deep fried foods at least !! We have all heard this surgery is a tool and not a cure all. Try to follow the pouch rules, exercise, and the weight will come off !! Good Luck, keep it up!! DeeAnn R
I'm 7 weeks out too and have only lost 42 lbs. I work out 4 days/week 3-4 hrs/day. I try to get all my water, and I remember all my vitamins except I forget the iron sometimes. There is nothing I've eaten that has caused me to dump. I can eat large volumes too without ever feeling full. Whatever it is that makes other people feel stuffed after 2 bites, I don't have it. You name a food type, I've probably tried it in the last 7 weeks. I'm keeping track of everything I eat on and trying to keep it around 1000 calories/day. Somedays I go higher, a few days I go lower. I think my average calories/day over the last 2 weeks are like 1035. It's a real struggle for me, because I know I can eat everything, but refuse to (most of the time). My worst transgressions have been a tiny piece of my son's b-day cake, a no-bun double cheeseburger from MCD's with some fries, some broasted chicken, and 2 nachos. Most of the time I eat low fat ham or smoked turkey, grilled chicken, tuna, salmon, or other meat with veggies, and if I'm still hungry whatever side starch my husband made. If I feel like snacking or I'm low on calories or protein, I'll have a yummy protein bar, or genisoy soy crisps (really satisfies you when you have the urge to crunch).
I would love to be one of the people who never wants to eat or gets full with a couple of bites. It's just not going to happen. Plus I need higher calories to support all the working out I do. I saw the nut last month and she told me to eat more (I was between 600-800cals). I see her again on the 15th. I went to curves today for my 2 week trial membership and found out that I've lost 6% of my bodyfat already. I think that's pretty darned good, even if it doesn't show in the scales. I'm converting a lot of fat to muscle.
Good luck with everything. Since I'm in the same boat as you, I make no judgements. I wish us both luck. Take care!
You are doing great with your weight loss 46 pounds is alot. You should feel proud of your accomplishment. It sounds right what your able to eat if I recall back that far back. Try not to drink with your meals . Question what is a cream horn? I thought at first you meant cream corn. Anyway take it one day at a time and always do your protein first then your carbs. If you noticed you can eat more carbs than you can protein due to the protein fills you up faster or at least in my case that is how it works. Hang in there!!!! Kim
Im 9 weeks out today. Iv lost 45 lbs. Im having some what the same problem. I dont get full after a couple of bites. I can eat about a quarter cup, maybe a little more, at a time.
Im afraid Iv started a bad habit from the very begining. When I FINALLY got out of the hospital (8 day stay and 6 weeks no food) I was SO TIRED, weak and depressed. I was told that once I started eating my strength would come back. I started trying all kinds of food to see what would make me feel better. One thing I cant handle is sugar. I got sooo sick on Gatorade.
Right now, Im working on getting the right foods down and Im going to join a gym.
If you ever wanna talk let me know. My email it [email protected].
Take Care!!!!!!
Kathy Goddard