I'm home but not all there
Thank you all for your kind words & your prayers. I especially want to thank Janie for checking up on me. I got home arond 4:00 and immediately went to bed and thought I had slept all night instead of less than 2 hours. Janie can attest to the fact that I'm not all here. She called to see how I was doing & had to convince me that it was still afternoon. I was wondering where in the world my husband had gone to since he wasn't in bed.
My surgeries went just fine & I didn't have to go home with a cathater. I had been warned that it may happen if my bladder wasn't working yet but it is.
Yes, the mean old nurse didn't want me to go to the support group meeting and with good reason, I guess. My blood pressure kept bouncing from very high to very low & he was afraid that I'd pass out. I understand that I missed a pretty good meeting.
I had an additional surprise, besides Janie's visit. Linda, the gal who had all the trouble visited me. She went home on Sunday & is able to eat without vomiting & her pain is better.
I am still dizzy so probably should get off the computer. Thanks again everyone.
I'm so happy you are home. It seems easier to rest at home than in the hospital. Isn't it funny how we can get so confused after sleeping. I have done that many times before. And it is hard to convince some one that it is still day time. Glad your blood pressure evened out. You enjoy this time off and don't over do. What kind of things are you making for Christmas? I used to make my kids a new ornament every year and alot of other crafty things, but since I sold my craft store and had to get a real job I just don't take the time to do that anymore. I should my basement is full of crafty supplies. Have a good day and REST REST REST. Cindy G.
I have a baby quilt that I almost have pieced. Don't know if I'll get that one done. I am also making photo presentations for my sister & brother. I'm almost done with them and will just have to burn them to DVDs so they can watch them on TV. I have an embroidery machine & have been making those lacy ornements. I have a new pattern & will try that one today. I've decided that Tylenol is strong enough to take care of any discomfort that I still have. That way my mind will be clear & I'll not screw up what I make.
I can sympathize with you concerning your extra craft supplies. I was selling scrapbook supplies but decided I didn't have time, due to chores & my real job also. I have so much downstaris that I probably will never use. I may have to have a garage sale next spring.
Hi Dixie:
I am Kathy V from Solon Iowa. I had my surgery on November 30th with Dr. G. I was released on Friday Dec 2nd. My husband and I stayed at the Ramada in Waterloo till Tuesday of this week. On monday night we went to the meeting. It was a good meeting. I was looking around for you to see if you would be there, then remembering I read that you were to have your gall bladder removed and did not know if you would be there or not. When I was in the hospital, my room was right next door to a young lady who I often thought was Linda. If I wasn't feeling so bad, I would have dropped in her room to speak with her. My room number was 329. We did exchange smiles as we both carted our IV machines around the nurses station. I am recovering fine and have the JP drain removed. I am allergic to ban aides, therfore my poor stomach looks like a battle zone. I also broke out in hives from the Roxacit (sp). I really did not need any pain medicine, so that was very easy to dispose of. Dixie, please take care and get plenty of rest. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.
Linda was your neighbor in room 327. I wish I had realized you were there as I was there on the 1st.
I'm glad you are doing so well. Keep up the good work. Maybe I'll see you again in a futrue support group meeting. I really wanted to be there on Monday but they were still taking my vitals hourly & my nurse was a bit concerned about my blood pressure. The first number ranged from a high of 157 and then the next time he took it it was around 70. I forget what the second number was but it didn't flucuate quite as much. He was afraid I'd pass out.
They gave me a perscription for Roxacit also but I didn't get it filled. It makes me itch. I had some other drug left from my TT so I took it yesterday. Now I am on Tylenol & am doing well with that.