Roll Call and Goals!!!!
Sounds like some good goals Lisa.....Good luck with them! Hey if my parents wanted to give me Christmas money to spend.....I would tell them I needed A LOT
Buy yourself something nice
It is great tho, that they are there for ya! DesMoines is a big city, they are probably just worried about ya! I wish you luck in finding a job tho! Take Care

I am doing ok. It is my 17th week out today and have lost exactly 75#. But the scale has not moved in about 3 weeks. So a little on the depressed side. But still doing ok. I am not done Christmas shopping yet, and to be honest I really don't think I have even started!! But need to get on it.
I am freezing at night in my house and am heating everyone else out. I walk around with sweats, socks, slippers and two sweat shirts every night and can not get warm. A big change from last year!! I guess that is what 75# will do to you.
Other than that, everything else is ok.
Hey 75 pounds is great!!! Right on track really! It is deppressing when the scale stops moving.....I can totally relate as with everyone else! But, have faith it will start moving again and SOON! During the early months/stages.....The body tends to throw on the brakes every once in awhile to play catch-up......It is all part of the process.....Have faith! Hey....I hear ya about the Xmas shopping....This is the FIRST year I am done this early.....I just started picking up some stuff in the summer and thought to myself.....hey I might be on to something and is actually nice, and I might do it again next year. Normally I am out shopping up until the big day tho
You know what....even tho I have been shopping for months.....I think I spent a lot less money this year.....seems when I wait to the last minute, I spend WAY too much...this way I was able to get stuff with a lot of thought, and savings! Best of luck....keep up the good work!

Wow everyone is doing so wonderful. I'm 2 1/2 months out and down 51.5, I want to be 60 pounds by christmas. Shopping is just about down only 2 more people to shop for, now just getting all the presents sent out. I am COLD. I was excited when my parking lot at my new job was a ways away, but dang with a 1 degree temp and a windchill it's COLD!!!
My goals are to get all my protein in and exercise everyday. Have finals this week and next so exercise has been put on the back burner.
Sounds like good goals.....good luck with them
Get them finals out of the way and start exercising. Whatcha in school for? Hey great job with the weight loss
One of my goals was to hit 50lbs in three months.....your doing awesome!!!! I am almost done with my xmas cards...when they are done....I am making one trip to the post office and sending everything at once.....I will probably be doing that in the next couple days! Take Care and keep up the good work, and stay warm

HI Jesi,
Thank you so much for posting my surgery page. I enjoyed reading the messages left.
I got home yesterday late in the afternoon & have spent almost all that time in bed.It's such a surprise how much the body can take & still bounce back. I am sore today but much less than yesterday. Oh, & finally my mind has cleared up. I stepped on the scales yesterday & I was up 5 lbs since I went to the hospital. Has to be from the IV since I have hardly eaten anything.
I still have a ways to go to be done Christmas shopping. I need to write a list of what I have bought so far so I can figure out what I need to get yet. I had a ball shopping for toys. It's been a very long time & I had so much fun pushing buttons and listening to the noises they made. Emilee better cooperate & get here by Christmas. She is due on the 19th. Matt's (second son) girlfriend is supposed to be coming to visit & she has a baby too so I got to buy for two babies. FUN!
Fortunately the cold weather is not affecting me since I can't go out anyway. (NO CHORES FOR 1 MONTH)
My goals are to stay away from grazing once my appetite comes back, to get the rest the doctors said I needed, to walk (I'll see if I can use my Gazelle without hurting myself), and enjoy this week off from work. Oh, also I need to finish the gifts I am making.
So, Jesi, going to celebrate you 2nd anniversary on Thursday? There sure are a bunch of us who have anniversaries this month.
I hate IV fluids
You AMAZE ME, truly....up and on the computer already.....I am such a wuss after surgery! I heard gallbladder surgery is pretty tough on folks....NOT you, your amazing! It is fun shopping for babies! I hope you get to cuddle and enjoy that baby, are they close by you? Your gonna make an awesome grandma!!! I have been keeping my grazing in-check (thank goodness
) Man it is hard! Take Care, and rest and feel better soon!!!

Oh, Jesi, I'm not tough. I too, am a wuss but this surgery really wasn't all that bad. My tummy hurts today, probably because I did too much yesterday. I hate the pain meds cuz they make me constipated & itch so I have gone to Extra Strength Tylenol. I think they will do the trick.
My son & DIL moved right after Thanksgiving to the farm we own across the road so we will be seeing lots of Emilee. We bought that place 10 years ago or so & our arrangement with the renters is that they do chores there in exchange for rent & fuel to heat the house. It works well for us & the renters, especially for Ben & Kerensa as they now will be able to afford to have her be a SAHM. They sold their home, actually closed on it yesterday, so they are out from under house payments too. Kerensa says Emilee will not be a girly girl & she will learn to do chores just like her Daddy & uncles did. I can't wait until the day she rides her bike over to help Grandma feed calves. Guess I'll have a long wait for that. Al goes over there every noon to check the cattle so I suspect that she will be a grandpa's girl.
I will let you know when she arrives. It should be before Christmas, hopefully sooner.
Congratulations on your success with keeping the grazing in check. It really is hard when you are home all the time. My appetite isn't back yet from surgery so I am not having that problem yet. It will happen though, I'm afraid & I'll have to work hard to keep it under control.
Hey Jesi:
I am Kathy V from Solon IA and just had surgery on November 30th. Finally home from Waterloo-Cedar Falls area ( stayed close incase of complications plus the weather) and is it good to be home. My goals are all new ones for me.
1St goal: To be able to eat food again
2nd goal: To continue to drink my fluids
3rd goal: Walk sip sleep, walk sip sleep. (hard time with sleeping, maybe three hours a night)
4th goal: Get Christmas cards out ( I seem to never get this done)
5th goal: Finish shopping
6th goal: Make it through my daughters graduation from the U of I on Dec 17th with open house to follow.
7th goal: Relax and enjoy the holidays with my family.
I'm already tired!!! This site has been the best gathering of information for me pre-op. Glad to see you are back on, I did an awful lot of reading pre-op. Its good to be on the loosing side with you.
3rd goal: Walk sip sleep, walk sip sleep. Sounds to me like a perfect goal, this soon out! Basically all I did too!!! And wow with that graduation and everything coming up, you have your hands full!!! Just remember to take care of yourself.....You will get tired very easily! How come your not able to sleep well?? Just uncomfy? I was so uncomfortable at the hospital I slept like a baby at home
A lot of folks swear by recliners after surgery....maybe you could try sleeping in one of those? I didn't need one after WLS, but sure did after plastics....we didn't have one, so my hubby rented one from one of those rent-a-center places for like 30-40bux for two weeks (hes a sweetie) and it was a lifesaver.....They are cheap and deliver and pickup for free! Well congrats on the surgery and I hope to see you around here more!!! Take Care and best of luck