Roll Call and Goals!!!!
Long time since I have done this (or anyone else for that matter) How is everyone doing??? Keeping warm in this COLD weather? This seems like a very busy stressful time of year for most people.....What are you doing to handle it? How's the weightloss going? And lastly....Are ya done Christmas shopping? I am freezing.....I am trying to stay stree free but I am not doing such a good job
Weightloss is nonexsistant.....but I guess that is becuase I am 2 years out and not trying as hard.....I am done xmas shopping (thank goodness) How about everyone else?? What are some goals you have for this week?
I am going to push fluids
Take my pills
Try to eat healthy w/out grazing!!!!
Also if you have a some well wishes to Dixie's surgery page.....let her know we are thinking of her :love Here's the link
Everyone have a great week, and Take Care

I'm doing good. It sure is cold!!!!!!!!!! This time of year is very stressful but I'm done shopping so that helps a lot. I'm trying not to stress to much and just take one day at a time. Weight loss is going good. I have lost 110 lbs in 4 and a half months. I started at 337 and now weight 227 so I'm happy with that. I feel like I have lost to fast. I was hoping for 100 lbs in six months but I hit 100 lbs in 4 months and have lost another 10 lbs in 2 weeks. I'm not sure if this is normal but I feel ok so I'm not that worried. I sometime feel bad posting how much I've lost because I always hear people taking about how slow they loss and I don't want to make anyone mad. I do exercise Monday thru Friday for 45 minuses so I think that helps also. I hope everyone is doing good, and I hope everyone has a good Christmas.
Wow.....great job with the weight loss!!! I wouldn't worry at this point....if you get below goal and can't stop losing, then worry! And it does seem the heavier you are to start, the faster you lose! I think your doing great
It is a great feeling having the shopping done
I hope the stress lessens a bit and you too have a GREAT Christmas!!! Take Care and check back in here more.....No-one will be mad at your success.....jealous, maybe.....but never mad....we are all here for eachother!!!

Jesi thanks for Dixies surgery page, I was wanting to send her some good wishes, but wasn't sure how.
Cold isn't the word for it. I have always been a cold person, now with out my other 145lbs I am more like a freezing person. The kids in my classroom swear I have no blood in my veins, because I keep it warmer than they want it. So I sometimes have to cool it down a little.
I wasn't to stressed about Christmas until I realized I don't get paid again until after we have our Christmas. What a bummer. We are having the kids over, the weekend before,since my DIL works retail she doesn't get much time at Christmas, so we work around her schedule. My husband this year is being a poop. He won't help pay for any of the Christmas gifts or go shopping or help wrap them. Besides that he didn't even think we needed to feed the kids. What a bummer. I will win this battle, I will do what I want to instead. I fed and shopped last year for them and I had just had surgery. Any how my stress level is getting up there thanks to him. I just come to work and enjoy these high school kids to releive stress and go to OH for stress release.
My goals this week are to drink more water and try to eat bigger portions. I am still loosing weight and am underweight now by at least 16lbs. More according to my Dr. but not according to me. I don't want to loose any more. I have been working on it. The more I eat the more I loose right now. Or that is the way it seems. I can only eat about 1/4 cup yet at a time. So I eat 6 x's a day. With 2 of those times being a protein shake. Take care and thanks for this post. Cindy G.
WOW....amazing weight loss! Got to be scary tho getting underweight....did you ever imagine that would be the case?? I know from the main boards that people needing to stop the weigthloss, they are always reccomended upping carbs, or even drinking caloric beverages. Have a couple glasses of juice adds calories quick....or even more peanuts throughout the day....those are calorie loaded but good for you also. Bummer about your Christmas situation. Do you and hubby have seperate money? I am a stay at home mom, so I rely on my hubbies income for EVERYTHING. That would suck, not having that support! I hope everything works out!!! I too come here for stress relief!! Take Care (((((HUGS))))) Jesi
Ashamed to admit it but one of my main goals is those nasty little vitamins!
I need to get back to the basics especially the water. It's so easy to stop by Taco Bell and grab a taco, they are so good tho and I seem to be able to eat them with no problem at all.
Haven't even started the christmas shopping yet. With my mom going into a nursing home and losing that income, not being able to find a job as fast as I thought I would be able to and my husbands child support being raised another 200.00 a week has really hit us this Christmas season. However I am a firm believe that everything works out the way God wants it to. I know my kids WILL NOT go without tho.
Hopefully after the holiday season I can get back into my routine and get to the gym again now that my leg has seemed to somewhat heal.
Hope everyone is well..
Tracie S..

I agree.....everything does work out the way it is supposed to....not always the way we want it, but it works out none the less! Being tight at this time of the year sucks....but it seems to be the case with a lot of people
Now vitamins.....they are super gotta get them in.....I have been lax lately too
My ulcer seemed to flare up a bit and those pills just make my tummy ACHE....but it is better now, so I am back to taking my pills. Find a vitamin you like....there is a generic prenatal at take two little pink pills in the morning and they are loaded with vits.....Plus they dont have a nasty taste, that leaves ya burping vitamins
Check them out.....I think the are like $5 for 2 months worth! Damn deer.....did they outrun ya or what?? My brother and his hunting buddies got 6 on opening day....and now my hubby is going this weekend.....Half of my family hunts first season, the other half second! We live off of deer all year long.....I make everything with it! I too can eat the tacobell tacos way to cheap and fast....BUT fast food is one of the major reasons I was 300+lbs.....and I have realized no more tacos
Take Care and wishing ya the best

Hi Jesi~
I'm doing well. I'm 16 weeks pregnant with twins, so you can relate! I'm able to eat sweeter things than I could before getting pregnant. I reached my goal in August at 8 months out, so it wasn't so bad that I got preggers! I'm still almost a pound under my pre-pregnancy weight which is 2 lbs under goal. Although I've been reassured I will gain many pounds in the later months!
My goal this week is to push more fluids and try to stay away from the sweets (hey, the babies are the ones who want it! LOL). We were done shopping, but my darling hubby wants to get a few more things for our son, so we're 99% done!
Oh and I am FREEZING all of the time. I've been keeping the house a toasty 73 degrees!! The gas bill is going to be NUTS! Hope everyone stays warm!
Proud mom to Alexis (4.21.02) & Ty (8.8.03)
Expecting TWINS May 21, 2006
Hey......Great to see you
You have got to be so excited! What a blessing. Have you emailed Andrea D yet? She is also due in May with twins! Are big bro and sis excited? They aren't gonna know what hit them
It is FREEZING.....I am so afraid to get the heating bills this month.....I swear the furnace is going NON stop and I keep my house fairly cold even! But we needed some good COLD days....kill off all them nasty bugs for next year
Take Care and stop by more!

I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet. Dad has been asking me how much will I need for Christmas shopping, well, I don't know until I figure out what I'm getting them.
I have been trying to think of jobs for next year. There's nothing here in Marshalltown so I've been telling myself I will go to Des Moines if I have to, but Mom and Dad are saying no, I wasn't happy there. But I'm not happy here either. I tell them, if that is where the job is that is where I will go. But I have until May to decide where to go.
1. Quit grazing (since I'm on this darn plateau)
2. Get my vitamins in again.
3. Go to the Y more
Take Care
Lisa Young