Hello I need some advice
I am having a really hard time with turkey and tuna. My mouth gets really watery and frothy then I get nauseated and throw up then I feel better. Does anyone know if this is normal and what it is? I tolerate milk and cheese. Am I eating to much? I only eat a tiny bit at a time.
Thank you
I have heard alot of people getting sick with Turkey. It is a drier meat. Wait a little longer before you try it again. You are fairly new out. The tuna I am not sure about. Did you mix it with mayo or miricle whip? My surgeon said that sometimes helps make the meat go down and digest easier. I don't know this is a fact or if he just was trying to get me to eat more fat. I have lost to much weight according to him. So he is trying to get my calories up a bit. Any way I don't think the mayo will hurt you and if you are worried about the fat content they have low fat mayo's out there. You might try that. Can you eat any other meat or just milk and cheese? Good luck and keep us informed how you are doing. ISn't it wonderful to be on the loosing side. I am almost 1 year out now. Its great. It might have been that you ate to fast or to big of bites that is a hard thing to get used to also, but if you aren't having problems with other food I doubt that is the problem. Cindy G.
oh, the foaming at the mouth days...man I DO NOT miss those one bit! Chicken will do that sometimes, too! mixing it like tuna salad, or eating it with 1 or 2 ritz crackers can help. Otherwise, I would stick to eggs, crabmeat, ground beef, if you can, milk, cottage cheese, and other cheeses. My favorite used to be cottage cheese with salsa and ritz crackers. some drs say to avoid carbs, but remember, they are a necessary nnutrient... your body does have use for them!... oh, and try yogurt with a handful of cheerios! YUM! Also, nuts chewed really well are a wonderful protein!
If you eat too much, it will HURT, as well as you will throw up.
Hello~I left you a really long response.....then my puter crashed
SO annoying I tell ya!!! Anyways.....when something gets stuck.....it hurts real bad, then you foam/froth until it passes or comes back up.....totally NORMAL. I think I was almost a year out before I could handle poultry....and sometimes tuna still makes me
it is a crazy ride I tell ya! Are you able to eat red meat yet? Our surgeons program makes ya wait 6 months.....but when I couldn't keep any other meat down I asked them if I could try red meat.....they said I could try it, but most people don't tolerate it for like 6 months. For me the stuff was great....I could eat ground beef, steak, roast was my fave! One of the most important things is to give your pouch a break after a stuck/puke episode. When I got a pissy pouch I would go to liquids or jello for the rest of the day and let the pouch rest. It is crazy how puking up a little foam with some chunks in it can make you feel better almost instantly! There are a lot of other protein options out there.....beans (chili, refried whatever you like) .....boca burgers.....eggs (tho I couldn't handle real ones for a LONG TIME) eggbeaters have some really good flavored ones....yogurt.....cottage cheese......Come to my house and we can run up to walmart and I will show you all the great things you can buy!!! Take Care

Hey Angela:
Sounds bad, is this what I ahve to look forward to? I am only one week out and have already experienced problems. I am not eating anything yet, but some liquids are giving me some problems. I just kick back and pat my poor belly and talk to him and say okay, I won't do that to ya agin. Then I chew up a Pepcid and that seems to help. I'm not much help here, but I'm thinking of ya and hoping all gets better.
Hey Angela:
Sounds bad, is this what I ahve to look forward to? I am only one week out and have already experienced problems. I am not eating anything yet, but some liquids are giving me some problems. I just kick back and pat my poor belly and talk to him and say okay, I won't do that to ya agin. Then I chew up a Pepcid and that seems to help. I'm not much help here, but I'm thinking of ya and hoping all gets better.