My revelation..
I've been bad about coming around here because I thought "how can I give support and advice when I'm down about myself"
We all need to be here for each other whether we need to vent, support, preach, lean on, or be leaned on.
I've also come to the realization that, after the 'honeymoon' period of weightloss surgery, some people don't gloat on you like they did before, I even think some people get annoyed with us because we continue to lose what they only wish they could lose. I started getting those feelings from people even tho I know they care and are happy for me. I stopped talking about it unless I was asked. So all in all our biggest support IS here.
We all know what it's like to lose that stubborn 5 pounds only to regain it back a few days later then lose it again! We (surgery patients) are truly the only ones who understand each others fears, joys and accomplishments whether big or small.
I made the comment to my sister yesterday (after being on a plateu for a month and not losing a dang thing) I said to her, "I finally lost 10 more pounds" she looked at me and said "Well I've gained 20 in the last month, don't pu****" Which my sister has been through a lot this past month, lost the hearing in her right ear and now is slowly SLOWLY gaining it back. So I understand her frustration! However, If I would have come on here complaining about not losing anything for a month and then popped on and said.. I FINALLY LOST 10 POUNDS. I know I would have had people jumping up and down with me because you guys know what it is like!
That's what got me thinking about the site again.. Feeling guilty and ashamed because I 'abandoned' everyone because I was feeling sorry for myself when in all reality I could possibly have had people to feel sorry with
and had someone to talk to other than sitting and being discouraged.
I make this pledge to myself that I will do my best to be on here at least once a day and try to lend my support to those who need it, to just say Hi to the new person who is scared to death to make a post because they don't think someone will answer or they think their question is stupid or that it has been asked a million times, or to wipe away the tear of a fellow weight loss surgery patient because they think they are failing, or to jump up and down with someone becuase they lost that last 5, 10 or 20 pounds or have just come off a plateu thinking they would never lose anymore again. I think most of us were those kind of people at one time! I KNOW I was.. and sometimes still am.
I will now get down off my soap box and go finish the laundry that I have started because ladies n gents... Tomorrow... I go hunting.. for the first time and maybe the last!
Huggz n loves to you all, I've missed you!

Tracie S..

Hey Tracie, no need to explain. I understand where you are comming from. We all at some time or another need time to back off and regroup. If we were really good at this we wouldn't have a weight problem. That is how I get through the rough times. I totally lost control at Thanksgiving and gained and was not a happy camper. I have decieded to forgive myself and get on with it. No one should feel guily because they can't give support at times. ~Cindy~
Thanks, I'm one of the "new ones" afraid to post for fear of saying something wrong. My surgery date is 12/12/05 and I am a bit scared. But very anxious to get rid of this extra weight that drags me down, and adds to my cronic back pain and sleep apnea.
Being from SE Iowa I'm figuring you went deer hunting? First season started Saterday, did you have any luck? I'm the Mom of two boys and my husband and I use to hunt together all the time. But with this weight I just can't walk the timber and hills anymore.
I'm sure you've already been welcomed but welcome again! No unfortunately we didn't have any luck hunting this last Sat. I understand about the not being able to hunt thing. If I wouldn't have lost all this weight I would not have been able to enjoy the outing with my husband.
Congratulations on your surgery date! It will be here before you know it. Where are you having your surgery at?
Please don't feel afraid of saying something wrong. Even if you need to vent people will read and some will reply even if it's to encourage you!
If you ever need to talk feel free to e-mail me! ANYTIME!!
Best wishes..
Tracie S..
That is so funny......I guess we aren't alone in our feelings! I posted a lot of your same feelings right before you! It is crazy....and I always thought the further out the seems to be backwards for is getting harder
We are all here for eachother!!! I plan to stop by more too....this is my only support! Take Care and did you get a deer??