I just had written something when I accidently closed the window
Now I gotta do it all over again.......Anyways I just wanted to say sorry for being gone so long.....I was lurking and thinking about ya all I PROMISE!!! I wrote something on my Surgery date board too.....so I am just gonna copy and paste rather than try and do it all over again.......
But it explains what has been going on and where I have been. I will be around more.....I need this support.....It is my only WLS support! And I do much worse without it.....So I will make it a point to hop on daily again......I missed ya
Take Care and
Here is what I posted on the surgery date board thingy!
Hello Nona and Lorraine So nice of you guys to think of me. I hate being MIA for so long. It just seems I am in a funk right now, with not much advice to offer people. Ever since my plastics in August I have been just horrible.....I was upset with the results, and gave myself excuses to eat and be lazy.......I am still up 10lbs from that. Once you get back into old habits......it is downhill I tell ya!!! I can SO see how people fail at this.....once you start gaining.....it is so easy to feel sorry for yourself and hide......The last place I wanted to be is here, giving advice, when I know I am struggling so bad....ya know?? I was seeing a shrink and they changed my meds around and really made everything worse for awhile.....I actually went back to my PCP and had him put me back on some general meds. I am already starting to feel a little better.....I also got two books that are helping me a little too. I know when I am feeling like this, I truly need to be here as these boards are my only WLS support, but it is hard!!!! I am slowly coming around as I am starting to feel better and realizing I am the only one responsible for myself........Embarking on two years out is crazy.....I thought the first bit out was hard...but man the work is getting harder and harder the farther out I get......Not an easy ride for sure!!!!!!! On top of all my self pity and depression my dad had an accident at work and got pretty banged up....They live on 5acres in the country (not a farm) and there was a lot of unfinished work to be done before winter that he couldn't do(he had been building a new shop and it had to be finished).....They live about 2.5hours away and me and my hubby and kids have been there A LOT helping out.....so I am tired, and behind on work at my house I don't even have my Christmas lights up!
But, on some good news...my dad will be fine, in a couple months And I am having some more work done on my tummy to hopefully get rid of the roll thing that had me so depressed.(Jan 3rd) So without babbling any longer thats what I have been up too! Nothing crazy and fun.......But I know this is where I need to be, being honest and getting support.....I need to hop on the Iowa boards too.....I used to be there daily and dissapeared from there too.....Need to just suck it up and not be so embarrased!!! Thanks again for asking about me.....I am on the right track (I hope) and I won't stay away so long!!! Take Care Jesi

Stess can do awful things to your body. I know how hard it is to face or be around people when you are feeling down and out. You are not a failure at anything. You are still pluging along and just jumped track for awhile. We all are good at looking at ourselves and believing we will or have failed, that is what we lived with for so long. It is easy to talk ourselves into that idea. You not only had or have good advice for people you made us feel good about ourselves. You encourage us and help us to see that we are real people with real questions and concerns. You are always so loving and caring to others. Now do that for yourself, love and care for YOU. We do. Don't mean to give you a long speach here you know all this, it just is hard to remember sometimes. Sweetie I have walked in your shoes so many times with depression, I know what you feel like or think. You aren't alone ever. We will always be here for you, come back when you can and take one day at a time.
If your house isn't what it usually is so what it will get into shape when you are feeling better, and others can help with that also. You have alot on your plate now.
Ok enough for now. Just be good to yourself, look at how far you have come already, I know that you aren't happy with your plastics, you have every right to be upset, it will be fixed soon though. Make your Dr. keep working with meds until they find the right one or combination that helps you. Sometimes you can get over medicated also. But there are meds that can help you feel normal (what ever that is) again.
We love ya and wish you the best.
Cindy G.
Normal....oh how I long for that
I am actually feeling a lot better, thank you! I still don't have my lights up outside....My hubby had the best intentions, but the weather did not cooperate.....
Oh well, like you said, it will all come together slowly!!! Since you have dealt with depression, you just know how it gets when your feeling punk, nothing is ever right or good enough......I HATE that feeling!!! Do you know how many times I have re-arranged my house or bought something to try and make me feel better
It is a terrible cycle.....I am working cloesly with my doctor, and he seems to care, so we will get it right! Thanks again, you always have great advice also!!!! Take Care ((((((HUGS))))))