Thank You!
Hi Everyone!
I would like to thank you all for the encouraging emails while I was in the hospital. Thanks to Dixie and Jackie for the visits and flowers!!!!! It really makes a difference having so much support.
Sorry I havent posted in so long. Iv been really depressed! Has anyone else felt so low after surgery? I feel so weak too. Its been 7 weeks since surgery and today is my first day back to work. Im hoping staying busy will help!
Thanks again!!!
Hi Kathy
It's been since 2003 since my surgery, and I've been really depressed too lately. But I have a counselor and I go to once a month. But I find that when I'm down on myself, I can come here and talk and everybody is here to help out. I don't know what I would do without this group.
You are all a great group.
Keep smiling.
Lisa Young
surgery 12-22-03 with Dr. Eibes in Grinnell (Now he's in Des Moines)
started weight 350
down to 220
Congratulations on your surgery. I think it is somewhat normal to find yourself depressed after a major surgery and life change as you just had. I also think that when you get back to a routine you were used to some if not all your depression will lift. You may find that is not the case, then you will want to let your dr. know you are having problems with this. There are so many medications out there that will help with this and you don't neccessarily have to stay on them forever. Hang in there and come back often for encouragement. THat seems to help the most. To know you aren't alone.
Even though all our bodies react differently to this surgery, we do have some of the same symptoms, and can help each other. Good luck and I hope your job doesn't wear you down to much. Remember you just put your body through major surgery and it is still somewhat shocked at the food loss. It may take a while to feel normal(whatever that is) again.
Cindy G.
PS I think this time of the year more people become depressed also so maybe that is part of it.
So good to see your post. You KNOW I love you and will do anything I can to help. First, you must know you will morn the loss of your previous way of life. It is only natural. You are making some major changes and not only is that scary but you don't really know what the future holds and everything is different. The way you think about food, exercise, and people is going to be different. You also had major surgery. YOU HAD some serious stuff done and way more than the typical RNY. You have been only a clear liquid diet for 2 weeks than surgery and 4 weeks of NOTHING by mouth. You are just now getting to start something other than water. What's not to be depressed about? I would be more worried about you if you weren't depressed. The good news is "This too shall pass". You will get beyond this and things will get easier, but not today. Tomorrow is easier than today, the next day is easier than tomorrow and so on. So take one day at a time and YES it is difficult. Use the support system you have in place. If you don't have one that works for you then GET one. Don't let all those good intentioned NA sayers get to you. You did what you had to do to get healthy. However, it does not happen over night. It is not until you look back over a year that it seems to have happened fast. Right now every day is hard, but tomorrow is coming and it will get better.
Kathy, you are a strong person (if you can survive MY family you can survive anything!!) You have what it takes to get through this and YOU will come out on the winning side this time. Be patient with yourself, be kind to yourself, and give yourself time to adjust. Call me you have my number.
My surgery was very text book and I went through a depression (my family thought I was nuts for a little while) but we got through it. I think you need time to grieve your past way of life.
Come to the support group meeting on Dec. 5. I am one of the speakers for the night. We are doing "success stories". Can't wait to see you.
Love you
You are so fortunate to have a good friend like Jackie. Listen to her. She knows where she's coming from. I can't add anything to what she has to saybut know that I am thining of you & will keep you in my prayers. You will get through this and down the road you'll wonder why you were concerned.
And do come to the support group meeting. It should be pretty good.
Jackie, so far I know of 3 of us "successes",
Angie Chaplin, &
me. And I understand that you & Barb don't think I'll make it.
Hmmmm, you may be right but I'm gonna try my hardest. I already have Janie lined up to get me from my room & I hope that even before that I'll have had a chance to walk around some just to see if I'll physically make it. Will I look like a success? Probably not but I'll still try to make it.