Had surgery Nov 14th
I had my open RNY on Nov 14th and finally got rid of my gallbladder too. I had a few bumps in the road with some kidney problems and a heart problem but finally got home Nov 21st. Boy was I glad to get here! I am struggling every day to get tha****er or liquid in but I will eventually get better at it. I think I am probably bouncing back a little slower than the average person because of other health problems but honestly I have noticed that I already have more energy when I wake up in the morning. I gained 21 pounds of fluid after surgery but have lost that and am now 7 pounds less than the day of surgery. The doctors and nurses were wonderful and I am happy with the way things are progressing. Tomorrow is my first follow up with my nutritionist and doctor. I can hardly wait!!

Congratulations on your surgery. Don't worry about getting everything in right at first just keep sipping away and before you know it you will have gotten it all down. I think sometimes the more we stress about doing every thing right the harder it is to get it done. Sorry to hear you had some problems but I know how nice it is to be able to get back to your home. We all like that feeling I think. Keep us updated on how you are doing. And don't be afraid to ask any questions that we might be able to help you with. Welcome to a joyous journey.