Recovering well :)
Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers! I am 11 days post-op from my tummy tuck and doing well! I had a relaxing Thanksgiving and had lots of help with the kids! I had an anchor-cut incision and they took 10lbs of skin off...I had to wait a week before my body lost the weight, but I had been the same weight for 3 months so it was good to see the scale move. If you want to see pics you can email me your email and I will sent them to you. The wildest picture is what they took off of was about 25inches long and 8 inches wide. They also took a second piece off of the part of my stomach above the belly button, so I have a scar that goes from between my breasts all the way to my pubic line and horizonally around the lower part of my belly that goes around the hips. He aslo tightened my abdominals by sewing them together. The docs name is Timothy Schurman,and he has offices in Boone and Ames and the Iowa Clinic in West Des Moines, I had it done at Lakeview Surgical Center in West Des Moines and stayed one night, I had 2 drains and they stayed in 1 week. I have to wear a binder for a while, then a girdle for quite a while. I feel good, but I did have some additional blood drainage from my drainage tube site today, it was quite a lot but the doc said not to worry, it was the first time I had tried a girdle and there must have been some additional drainage to come out. I still can't pick up my 8 month old daughter, but he said probly by the end of the week (17 lbs) I'm back to work part-time this week, but still geting a lot of help with cleaning and the kids from my family...God Bless Them! This doc was the 3rd plastic sugeon I visited, and he got it approved in less than 2 out of pocket max was met having a baby this year so the total bill was $135 for my tummy tuck. In my opinion, this was more painful than gastric bypass, I'm thinking because of all the incisions..this will be the 4th major surgery on my abdomen in the past 3 years (gastric bypass, 2 c-sections)...I'm done for a while
Take Care and God Bless,
Deb Paul

Deb, Glad to hear you are doing so good. Don't rush the recovery. I know it is hard not to be able to pick up your kids but you can sit and hold them at least. Take care of yourself and enjoy the help while you can get it. Keep us updated, we care. Its interesting to find out different drs. ways of PS. Just like different surgeons ideas with ryn. I am almost 1 year out and hit my goal a couple months ago. Now I am having problems with loosing to much. I eat all the time it seems like, but not enough at a time. I just can't get more than a few bites down at one time. Oh well maybe one of these days I will even out. Good luck to you with the rest of your healing process and take it easy. Cindy G.