Surgery in 33 hours and counting!!
Hello to all my friends,
I am on the countdown.
Just 33 hours to the new Nicole.
I am busying myself getting things ready on the homefront-- making sure the grandmas know what to pack for school lunch and when to let the dog out while I am in the hospital. I have a great support system, and lots of family who have shown great love to me during this whole process.
I leave for the hospital on Monday morning at 4:30 AM, I am the first case of the day.
I would rather have it that way--not much sitting and waiting when I am the first surgery. I am glad I was able to find a great physician and a reputable hospital close to my home--I had originally looked in to going to Barix in Belvidere, but chose Genesis in Davenport.
I will log on when I feel up to it. I covet your prayers and thoughts of a safe outcome.
Nicole T.

Woo Hoo time is either creeping by for you now or going very fast. Which ever is happening for you enjoy this day. Mon. will bring a new you. And a journey of a lifetime. It is a joy and challanging journey. One I would do again if I had to do it over. There were times at first I wondered as most people do, but now almost 1 year out I know it was well worth it. My life changed for the better. You will have my prayers and thoughts on Monday. It is good that you have a good support system, that helps tremendously. Go in with a smile and come out with a smile, follow all the drs. and nurses tell you and you will be fine. Good luck and congratulations.