Nervous Nickie!!!
Hello there, friends. I am biting my nails and feel pretty stressed as I have my surgery in 8 days.
I am trying to get my Christmas shopping done as well as prepare for my son's birthday party and keep the house clean as it is on the market. I suppose staying busy is one way to make the time go by faster.
I started the no grain diet on last Monday. I am doing pretty good at it, but my family had pizza tonight and that was really hard to resist. But I did it! Dr. Phelps said under no uncertain terms that if I gained wt in the next 2 weeks the surgery is off.
I am experiencing so many feelings...the same feelings that so many of you have gone through before. I am so scared about the days and weeks after surgery. I am so excited to face a healthy future and look forward to growing old with my husband. I worry that I will be so weak after surgery from lack of intake.
But through all these feelings I have never doubted that i am doing the right thing for myself. And I think of all of you who have walked in the same shoes and arrived at your goal safely.
Thanks for listening to this scaredy cat.

Hi Nickie, You're Normal dear! LOL
I know I wasn't sure about my decision right up to the day I was checking into the hospital and even had days I regreted my WLS after I did it. Especially thru the horribale gas and direhha (sp) phases, yuck! But that's all behind me now and it honestly does get better in time. Matter of fact, things seem pretty much normal again and with my case....I've not gained back the weight. My WLS was May 2003 (I think it was). I get the months confused sometimes because my first round of plastics was right at a year after my WLS. Anyway, stay busy like you're doing and definately try not to dwell and let any chances of "negative" thoughts popping into your head. I know it's hard but try your best.
Are you having your WLS Lap? You mentioned being so weak after surgery (is why I'm asking).
Peggy in B.P.
You are right the ones that have had surgery have gone threw all those feelings. Just remind yourself this is to make you better and in the long run you will feel a lot better. I am almost 2 years out and for the most part I am doing good. I loved to go weigh in to see how much i lost those first couple months. I still like to weigh in but not so see how much i have lost but for if i kept the weight off. To my surprise last month i lost 14 lbs and i havent done that in a long time. But then i have to stop and remember that I lost 11 lbs in one week due to the flu.
I havent been on here much lately due to alot of reasonings. If you ask some of the ones that have been on here for a long time they will tell you I had complications. I spent almost a month in the hospital and then had to go back. Even after having complications I would still do this surgery no matter what. If is so nice to play with the kids with out getting tired. It is fun laying on the floor playing with my baby neice. I couldnt even do that with my own kids. What makes it all the best and i feel shallow for saying this but heck i am human. The looks i get from young guys. I for the first time in my life two weeks ago had a guy whistle at me. Makes you feel good. Just remember in the long run this surgery is worth it.........Lynda
Hi Nicole first off Congrats ...second good luck...third sending prayers for a save and speedy surgery and recovery!! I didnt have to get nervous about my surgery..everyone else did that for me,LOL ...About after...everyone is different,I didnt think my WLS was very bad at all! I was a lil weak the first cple weeks but nothing like I thought I would be..I actually was pretty energised, it just didnt last long the first cple now Oh boy I dont know where it comes from some days! Just remember to walk as soon as you can,it helps a lot to get that gas moving for 1 !! Dont forget your chapstick for after surgery when you cant drink yet, it was a lifesaver for me! OK I quit rambling..any questions, you got the right place! everyone here is just the best!! Take Care and keep us posted

There's no denying it, the first few weeks you feel really nasty. Afraid you will starve, afraid you aren't doing things right, afraid you'll never be able to eat again, but all those things will pass. The pyscho pyschologist I saw before surgery fixated on how I would never be able to eat Thanksgiving dinner again! He was so full of it and not turkey! I am able to eat anything. Not very much, but anything. I am careful about sugar and as long as I keep it under 20 gms, I can eat it. I don't often, but if I really want something sweet, I eat it. But I didn't even try sugar until I was almost a year out.
Just follow your doc's program and you'll do fine. You will be amazed at how fast it comes off in the beginning. Make very good use of the "honeymoon" phase, because the closer you get to goal and the farther out from surgery, the harder it becomes to lose. We'll all be thinking about you on Monday! Good Luck and we can't wait for you to become the next loser!