Well, here it is November all ready.
My depression has kicked in again at full blast. All I want to do is cry all the time. Need to talk to the doctor about switching antidepressants again I think.
Still waiting to hear about my disability. They say I will hear something back in November, but November is almost gone.
2 good things that Dr. Eibes will be opening up in Des Moines in December. and I'm graduating from College in the spring (May).
Gotta get to my goals:
1. drink more water
2. Walk a little more
3. Get more protein in.
4. Get an updated picture.
Have better get to my homework.
Take Care
Lisa Young
Lisa, I replied earlier to your post but I guess the boards were down so I don't suppose you will get it. But if you get both of these disregard this one.
I am so sorry your depression is worse now. I think this is common this time of year. Between the holidays and the shorter hours of daylight it happens. I know I have more problems in the winter than I do in the summer. I don't think we get as much exercise either which doesn't help. I don't exercise much at all, at least not like I should. That does help depression though.
I am looking foward though to the first of the year. 2 of my kids are moving closer to home. One just down the road from me. The other a 1/2 hour away. My daughter is in India right now, I hate it, but she loves her job and is very happy to travel so I have to let her do her thing. It is great that she has this oppertunity(sp) at her age. But come March she is moving closer which is a big relief. Not that she won't still travel alot but I can help take care of her animals better if she is closer. She just moved to Ill. about 21/2 hours away from me last year. She lived in Houston for 3 yrs before. Any way enough about me. (I could talk for days about my kids.)
You should be proud of all you have done. Graduating in the spring. Wow that is great.
You know there are many different anti-depressants out there. I have tried a bunch, and haven't even touched the surface yet according to my physcoligist.(sp) So keep trying different ones until one works. There is no way you should have to feel this bad all the time. Don't you think once you graduate and some of the stress from classes ease up you will feel better? I bet you will. Keep your chin up and remember you can e-mail me anytime you need to. I will be here for you. ((((((hugs))))))) Cindy G.
(((((BIIIIGGGGGG HHHUUUUUGGGGG)))))) sorry your feeling down Lisa... I agree with Cindy its this time of year, very depressing!!!Not enough sunlight and stuck indoors most of the time..it sucks I am game to move to a tropical island
how bout you?
Congrats on your pending graduation that is a very awesome acheivment!!(sp) That will be less pressure on you also when its done I know you gotta be sooo excited,you have anything lined up for after or taking a lil vaca time?Do something nice for yourself you deserve it!! Hang in there girl and keep your chin up ok!! You can do it,look what you have already done!!