Update on Angella Millman
I just got off the phone with Angel and she is doing as well as expected, for some reason they let her pain medication wear off so she was feeling kind of depressed and in pain (of course.) She said the surgery was a success and that it only took 2 hours to complete it. Next is her leak test, and she said that they wont do that for another 3 or 4 days. I told her I would call back in a few days or if she wants to talk to call me. I told her that we all would continue to pray for her.

Hi Nancy: I am glad that Angel is doing okay. But I always thought they did the leak test the next day. Why are they waiting so long. I have not had my surgery yet so I don't know all the procedures. I am scheduled for November 30. Now they have found a lump on the outside of my stomach they want to check out further, so I may pushed back some. Thanksso much for your update.