Gallbladder question
I need to ask for information from someone who has had their gallbladder removed, preferably since having their WLS, not at the time of their WLS surgery. I am almost 2 years out & my gallbladder has quit working. Although I don't have any stones, I have been having episodes of pain. My surgeon has determined that it has to come out.
I am scheduled to have it out on Dec 5. Normally he sends his patients home right away but I will be spending the night due to a small additional surgery that I will be having that day also. Two surgeons, two surgeries but only have to be put out the one time. Now for my questions... first if I have my surgery at 11:00 AM will I feel up to attending support group at 7:00PM? We have our support group meeting that night at the hospital & the nurse said I could attend in a wheel chair if I want to come. They are having a few members share with the rest of the group & I was asked a few weeks ago to be one of the "success stories." I am very flattered that they asked me & will be so disappointed if I have will not feel up to it.
Second questions concerns foods you cannot eat anymore due to the GB surgery. I have friends who have to be very careful about what they eat or they spend a lot of time in the bathroom. I am mostly concerned about salads as I eat one every night at work. Will I be able to eat salad?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I still have mine, so this isn't from my own actually experience - well, kinda.
Almost everyone around me (all the females anyway) have had their GBs removed... their diets vary. My MIL can eat salads, my mother can't at all. She can't even eat cole slaw. Basically my MIL just can't tolerate greasy, fatty food - which wouldn't be an issue for you obviously.
This seems to be the norm though, what people tolerate is very much up to the individual. Helpful, huh?
As far as the meeting goes, I'm guessing pain wise you could do it. If it were me, I'd still be extremely wonking from the anesthia.
Heck, I am for DAYS after surgery.

Thanks, Amy,
The anesthesia part was a concern for me. I remember very little that first night after the WLS but after my two plastics I was wide awake & ready to go and I was out for much longer with them. I guess we'll just have to see.
Thanks for the info about diet. Oh, I hope I will be able to eat salads as I live on fresh veggies. One of the guys I work with had his removed over 5 years ago & loves lots of food. You can tell when the food doesn't agree with him because he comes in, sits his stuff down, & heads right to the bathroom and he keeps disappearing all night long. He did it just last night after eating a barbeque pizza.
Hopefully I'll be like your MIL.
My husband had alot of pain an ultrasound didn't show any stones but the nuclear test they did showed his was not functioning and he had it removed in January by Dr. G. without any complications and you might feel like attending if you can handle the gas pain. He no longer has pain since it was removed. I had my gallbladder removed 10 years ago and I couldn't get to the bathroom fast enough just like with wls when you eat certain foods you dump. I had no problems with salads my problem was with greasy foods if we ate out I had to go with in minutes of eating especially a big mac. But that eventually got better for me and my stools regulated until I had wls. I have talked with others that have had theirs removed and some didn't have loose stools or problems with food I think its like our wls each of us are unique in our own special way. good luck on your surgery and maybe sometime I can make it to a support meeting. I feel each one of us is successful and congrats on being chosen to speak. You have helped a good many of us including myself! I will send you a picture in the near future for the photo update. thanks and take care! Kim
Hi Kim,
Sounds like your husband & I had similar experiences. Hopefully my results as far as eating are the same too. That is the ony thing that concerns me.
I also agree that we are all successes, some more than others. I just checked your profile. WOW! I would give anything to have lost as much as you have. Even if I don't, I am a success. I have no idea why Angie chose me to be one of the success stories. Maybe because I'm so vocal.
Please do send a new photo. I can't wait to see it. I suspect that most of us need to send new photos for the scrapbook.

Dixie, I had mine out lap a few years BEFORE WLS, and while it was lap, it also was general anesthesia. I know *I* would not have been up for any kind of events that same night. I was in the hosp. for another day yet. And as far as food goes...I didn't eat any differently post gallbladder than I did pre-gallbladder.