Just getting Started HELP
I went to the meeting last week just basically a question and answer with the Doc, handed in my packet (all 25 pages) and I received my card to call for a consultation, did that and I go on Dec. 15. Can anyone tell me what to expect next, when will I find out if I am going to be able to have the surgery? I checked with my insurance and they do cover the surgery and the doctor I am going to is approved by them for me to see. What happens now? I am nervous well basically scared. Those of you who have had the surgery are you glad you did it? If there is anything you think I should know believe me it will be greatly appreciated.
I'm sure you'll get some pretty generic answers since we're not sure who your surgeon is, or anything about your insurance...
but I'd guess that you'll go to the consult, find out anything that you might have to have done pre-op and what has to be done before it's even submitted to your insurance company for approval. It really varies. I thought the whole process went pretty quickly - it sure seemed like it once I was lying on that operating table!
Yes, I'm very happy I had it done. I always imagined that I'd FEEL differently, but I don't at all. I feel completely normal and I'm shrinking - and I'm very excited for my first blood work to come back (ok, to even have it done, it's still a long time from now)
Good luck - ask a bunch of questions.

It's just the routine blood work that they do at 6 months post-op. I'm just anxious to see if my cholesterol has changed...
Do you know what your insurance requires for approval? If you don't, you can probably call and find out. For instance, with mine, I had to be over 18, a BMI of 40 or 35 w/ co-morbidities, a history of failed, failed supervised diets for X years (don't remember for sure) and a psych eval. Dr Gs off can only tell you that you can have it done if you're going to self pay route - otherwise it's more up to your insurance company.
Congratulations, Brenda, you are on your way! You'll find that several on this board had Dr G as a surgeon & respect his skill very much. It's very hard to say how long this will take but at least you already have your consultation scheduled. That will get you started. By the time you go in they will have looked over your 25 page packet & will know what tests you will need. The answers to some of the questions will determine the ones you need. They will send in your information to your insurance company & once they get the word back that they will cover you, you'll be even closer. You will not get a scheduled surgery date until they get your insurance clearance & all tests completed. Then usually it's only a few weeks to wait.
If you can manage it, try to come to the next support group meeting on Dec 5 at Sartori. You'll meet a bunch of great people and can ask questions. Angie, Dr G's PA is there & she can give you an idea how long it will take.
Thank you for your help, I guess one of the things I was wondering about is do they basically make there decisions based off the information on the packet, I mean if you get a card or call for the consult does that pretty mcuh mean they are considering you for the surgery? I have an appointment with my pcp next week so I will fill her in on what I am planning she tried to get me involed last year but I chickened out and didn't make an appointment that would of been with someone in the quad-cities but I think I am finally ready to admit I cannot do this on my own and my health isn't getting any better.
Again thank you
I think you can assume that they feel you will be a good candidate. At the consult they will talk with you & tell you what he can do for you & what they expect from you. They don't pull any punches. They expect this to be a lifelong committment.
I went through this step over 2 1/2 years ago so I actually met with Dr G for my consult. His PA does it now but that day he very seriously told me that he had spent X number of years triaining to do this, the hopsital made a special operating room just for his use & he designed it. He felt that it was one of the best ones in the world. He has invested many years & most of his life to this procedure & he does not want to waste it on someone who is not willing to do her part. He went on to explain everything that I would be responsible for to lose the weight & to be healthy, including changing diet, exercise, etc. Then he stopped & asked, "Are you willing to make these changes and will you promise to make them?" The room got silent. He literally made me promise to go along with the program or he wouldn't do it. He is that serious about his work. He doesn't want to work with you if you are not going to take it seriously or mess his hard work up. He has a good reputation & if he does his surgery & his patients don't take it seriously & screw up, it will come back to make him look bad. I know for a fact that he has talked with people & after the discussion outright told them to go home & think about it more & maybe even forget surgery. He is that serious about wanting you to have what is best for you but he is not making this a gift. You have to earn it.
Now, I hope that didn't scare you away. I believe that shows just how serious he goes into this. There are doctors who will do the surgery for anyone as long as the money is there. Did you go to one of his seminars? If so, you probably heard Vicky talk. She went to a practice in Illinois before Dr G came to Cedar Falls. Without testing or anything they were willing to do her surgery in just a few weeks. No preparation, no nothing. As as nurse, this alarmed her & she chose to not do it. Soon after, Dr G's practice opened & she was among the first to see him. He asked about her health history & between the two of them discovered that there were a few things that needed to be addressed before he did the surgery. She was treated for them & when she had her surgery she was in the best possible condition to have it. If she hadn't gotten the problem fixed, she probably would have had a very difficult time recovering and probably some serious problems. Vicky is truely a success story but may not have been if she went to a surgeon who was not so careful preparing his patients.
Oh boy, I'm preaching again. Sorry but I am very sold on going slowly & making sure everything is done right and making sure that I am doing my part in this process. I am sold on how Dr G does things but I also know that there are many other surgeons around who are just as dedicated and just as skilled. You mentioned the Quad cities. They have an excellent program down there. There are several here who went there. My cousin was the first patient to have her surgery Lap there & has done beautifully.
Dixie, thank you for writing, I did attend Dr. G siminar and the one thing that I forsure learned from him is that he wants you to be sucessful and you have to work for it, if you not willing to do the work then don't have the surgery. He was very frank on that point, but I am glad he was this is a life style change, I know he said he cannot understand why someone would go through all of this just to gain the weight back and I agree with him. I have been heavy all my life and what scares me is I am getting heavier it seems like for every ten pounds I lose I end up putting 20 back on. I know that this is going to be a big change in my life and I have been ready a lot to make sure it is the change that I am ready for. This web site has been wonderful for answering a lot of my questions and the support is great it is nice to hear from people who have been through this and is willing to talk to someone like myself who is just starting.
Thank you
Thanks for your help, I am wondering if most insurance companies requirements are close to the same? I looked over our policy but it really doesn't give good detail as to what they want. I know when I spoke with them they said I had to be refered and had to use a doctor on there list which Dr. G is. I know right know Dec 15. seems forever away but I know it will be here before I know it. Thank you for your support, I guess now it I will just be counting the days until the 15th.
Hi Brenda:
I went to Dr. G's seminar August 18th, 2005. I have just received my surgery date to be November 30th. I think everything went smoothly. Angie, Dr. G's PA said it could take as long as 5 months to get everythng going. If you consider the time from the seminar to the date of surgery it would have been 3-1/2 months. Insurance was BC/BS, and the approval was after first letter and only took 5 days. This is a wounderful support system, even though I do mostly reading and not alot of responding. Best of luck to you.
Kathy V.