I'm getting closer.......
Good morning everyone. Today was weigh in day for me. I always dread it. I have 17 more lbs. to go and then I can have surgery. I have now lost 62 lbs. It has been a long and hard road for me. Just to fill you in, my lungs are not very good. My surgeon wants my bmi to be under 60. I started with a bmi of 71.3 and now I am 61.8. I will keep on the path and not feel overwhelmend by it all. I have had a few bad weeks but have deceided not to beat myself up over it and keep trying. I can't wait for it to be my turn. ~Cindy~
Way to go, Cindy. I have thought about you so many times since meeting you at the support group meeting in October. You are such an inspiration to me. You've worked so hard to lose what I certainly couldn't have done prior to my surgery. I suspect that once you are able to have your surgery, losing the rest will be a breeze because you have been so successful so far.
Keep it up. The way you're going, surgery should be in just a couple months, if that. What a way to start the new year.
I just read your profile..the whole thing...I was just so interested, I couldn't stop reading, like a good book I couldn't put down...I feel like we're coming to the climax of the book...the day when you will have your successful surgery! You should be so so so so proud of yourself! Just like Dixie said...you've taken off so much already, more than I ever had when I was at my biggest! There is a reason God led you to Dr. Glassock...he is a wonderful doctor and he wants you to recover quickly. It is quite a surgery no matter how you "slice "
it...you'll do much better the lighter you weigh. Good Luck, I'll pray for you! Your attitude is so positive and contagoius!
Deb Paul