just want everyone to know Carroll had a support group meeting last night and it was GREAT! we didn't have very many in attendance...but it went well, I think!
we need to get more interest, ladies!
Stop by and see us every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 630 in the hospital's meeting room 2...or 1, whichever they remember to leave open for us!
Lynda is doing an awesome job trying to get this going again, and I think all of us in the Carroll area can offer some kind of help and support to her to keep it running! (remember, it is a support GROUP---we are ALL responsible for its is not, and should not be all on lynda's shoulders to do it all!!
Be sure to send her, or myself ideas, or topics you would like to see covered!!
btw, the 4 of us who were there last night have lost over 660 pounds combined! WOW! way to go, us!!
Hope to see more people there next month!!

Thank you so much for the kind words. Sorry i havent gotten that email to you. I have been really sick again I just can't kick it for some odd reasons.
You are right everyone needs to come up with ideas and invite people to come to it.
Everyone is welcome to come email me or Tracie.
Tracie hope you are staying and keeping that baby warm.........