Dr. Eibes
Thanks to Kathy Humbers!
There will be an organizational meeting on Nov 10 at 6:30 pm. It will be in the Kelly conference center. This is located in the lower level of the visitor parking garage at Iowa Methodist. If you take the Martin Luthor King Parkway exit off 235 and then turn left (East) on Cottage Grove, you will come to the Ronald Macdonald house and the parking garage is directly across from that. You need to take the elevators at the back right of the garage to the lower level where the medical library is located. The Kelly Conference center is there. I am working on a power point presentation about the entire program. We should be giving out all of the information on the program and will be taking names and numbers for appointments. Nova and Janelle will both be there for questions and I will be there for the entire meeting. This is primerily an organizational meeting and we will outline the new program. I will hopefully know the official start date by that night. I am hoping for around Dec 1. Feel free to email everyone that wants to come and you can post information on obesityhelp.com. Administration has been moving very slowly and I am just as frustrated as all of the patients. All of the physicians and anesthesia are ready to start seeing patients. Administration has been dropping the ball about getting the final details worked out. Once we open, there should be no problem. All patients are welcome including those done by Dr. Schwartz. New patients are also welcome to attend and everyone may also bring family. We will be changing the meeting times in the future to a Saturday so that more people can attend. I hope you can make it, but if not we will just see you in the office.
Todd Eibes MD
I'm planning on going to it.
See ya there.
Take care
Lisa Young