We were right!
A couple weeks ago I posted that I was having pain & was getting tests. Everyone *****sponded said it sounded like gall bladder problems & it appears we were right, just not gallstones.
I have had several tests. The ultrasound started it all. It showed no stones. Then I had an endoscopy to rule out an ulcer. Nope, no ulcer. He put me on Nexium anyway & if it helped, that would indicate an ulcer in the "old" part of the stomach but I still had pain.
Next came a CT scan to show if the small intestine is kinked due to an adhesion. All it showed was an enlarged gall bladder. Not a whole lot, just larger than normal.
Today I had a Hida Scan. This is one showed that my gallbladder wasn't working much, only 21% and there are no stones. Guess this is my problem. On Friday I see the surgeon. I asked the nurse when she called what the next step will be & she said it looks like it has to go but it will be quite easy because of the absence of the stones.
Now, if they had only listened I would have been spared about $7,000 in tests. Fortunately most of it is covered by my insurance.
Okay Miss I'm Having Another Surgery to Get out Feeding the Calves!!! Just joking -- I'm glad you found out what the problem is and can get it taken care of. What do you supposed a gallbladder weighs? That could be another couple pounds off!!! How long will you be off work? If it is closer to Christmas it would give you time to get your cards written!!! It's too bad they didn't take it out when you had your tummy done like they did mine..
Be sure and holler if Al and Doug need help with the calves!!

You know me too well! I have been back feeding calves about a month now. It's time for another break! I have no idea how long I'll be off work. Probably can ask Dr G (yes, I actually will see him!). Jenny said to not worry about being on time for my appointment. Guess I better expect to have a wait. He is on call for the ER, I guess.
As much as I wish the GB weighed a couple lbs, I bet it's just ounces, darn.
I have an idea Doug & Al will do all the hollering, especially now that Matt has decided to go back to working at the elevator instead of trying to make a living farming.