Surgery tomorrow, nerves today!
I have just found this site today and am extremely happy I did. I am just a bowl of nerves today and yet I feel some excitement at the same time.
My main worry is the pain afterwards and the fear of dumping. I start the cleansing process in about an hour and am very thankful I didn't eat much last night. I just want to say thanks to all of you for posting your honest feelings about this surgery and the afterwards process on here. It's been some great reading today.

Welcome. And Congratulations. We are always happy to have new people to share with us. You are normal for having fears. I found that the pain after wasn't even 1/2 as bad as what I thought it would be. Just take it easy and take the meds before you let it get out of control. The dumping I have never had which isn't a good thing. But if you stay away from sugar that will help with that also. I found that I don't even crave the sugar like I thought I might, so it wasn't hard to stay away, at least the first 10 mos. I am almost 11 mos out. I have had some things with sugar by mistake here and there (not checking labels very good) and didn't have a problem, but that isn't everyones luck or bad luck how ever you want to look at it.
Where are you going to have your surgery? Be sure to come back on the board and let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it. Good luck and I will be saying an extra prayer for you tomorrow for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. Cindy G