2 Weeks Out
Hey all. Today is day 11. I am feeling sooooooooo much better. The dizziness is gone and most of the gas has subsided in my stomach. I have only lost about 29 pounds (what the hxxx do I mean by ONLY). I feel wonderful. My husband and I have been doing alot of walking. Yesterday we spent all day at a mini horse sale in MN. It was so much fun. We talked all the way there (2 hours) about how our lives are going to change for the better. It was really awesome. I do have a question for someone out there. I am still looking for the right protein drink. I know there are thousands out there, but I only need the one that I can handle. I have a terrible reflux so I gag on everything. I need something smooth and good tasting. Please send all your ideas. Also, do anyone know where the next support meeting is a Satori Hospital? I would like to attend it. Thanks for all your support and your encouragement. Until letter. Terri
Terri congrats on your loss! As for protein drinks there are alot of them out there. Some are cheap and some are expensive. It is basically trial and error. I tried alot of different ones before I found mine. I go to GNC and get there amplify release protein drink. You can mix it with water or milk. I mix mine with water. It is a little pricey. You can go to susan maria's site www.bariatriceating.com and buy samples of different protein drinks.
Many get there protein drinks at Walmart etc.. I am sure you will get more input re: protein drinks from others out there. But each of our bodies are uniquely different so good luck on your search for your drink or bar. hy vee sells protein products also. Also the dietician from dr. g office gave me some samples of Resource Beneprotein it is a powder you can mix in with your food or juice. YOu can go to www.resource.walgreens.com for otisource protein drinks and bars. I guess the pharmacy at Sartori has the vitamins and so does walgreens but the way the dietician talked walgreens doesn't carry the protein drink yet. But you could order it online. I tried it and it wasn't to bad it was caramel and a strawberry one. My pouch is very picky and trust me when you have tried drinks and they make you sick your very skeptical about trying a new one. At least that is in my case. Good Luck to you on your journey! Kim 3-4-04 300/128
I can't help you with the protein drinks. I never found one I could handle so instead went to soy shakes that I made. I like them, they taste good, provide about 30 grams of protein per cup of the milk, & almost 2 years out, I still ocassionally drink them. If you want the directions, e-mail me & I'll explain how I made them.
I can help with the support group meeting. We have them on the first Monday of the month unless it's a holiday. Then it's the second Monday. November 7 is the next meeting. There is an informal meeting at 6:30 for questions & sharing. The formal meeting is at 7:00. It's held in the cafeteria area, the place you went for the seminar. This month the speaker is Dr Bastug, a local plastic surgeon whose presentation is "Skin Deep - Addressing excess skin after weight loss." It may be a bit soon to be concerned about this problem but I guarentee you will probably have it at a later date. He spoke last year & had a powerpoint presentation complete with before & after pictures. It was very good & I expect that there will be quite a turnout. I may be just a bit biased because he did my two surgeries & it was because of his presentation that I chose him.
Hope to see you there,
Thanks Dixie
I would like your soy recipe. I really don't know what I can and can't handle, so you if you could send me your recipe, if all else fails, I still have yours. This "group" is awesome. I hope to make it to the support meeting on the 7th, but if not, I will definatly make it in Dec. Thanks my friend. Terri
Congrats........29lbs is GREAT!! I am coming to CC this weekend....I can bring along my protein and you can try some
I have a good 5 or so that I enjoy! I too can't handle the protein taste......but I have found some I enjoy! Let me know if you can get together......we will be coming into town Friday afternoon and leaving Sunday afternoon.......Hope to see ya.....and Take Care......Congrats again

Hi Terri..
Congrats on the loss..thats awesome,the protein drink I really am stuck on is Unjury ..I like all flavers chocolate,vanilla and strawberry you can go to www.unjury.com for that I think and the one I really like is Elite they have a few flavors also I get that from the bariatriceating website..good luck and keep up the good work!!!