I have bad news this morning I took Tracies advice and called tricare my insurance. I didn't want to wait any longer. Tricare said it was denied. She would not tell me the reason she just said they needed more clinical documentation. What ever that means! I am sad and nervous! She said she sent me a letter and faxed Melanie one but Melanie said she did not get it.
I have had battles before with insurance companies and I am not up for a fight. My son has needed things in the past and I had to fight with them and it is not fun and it is time consuming.

If they said they need more documentation, then it is not really denied, just delayed. If this surgery is what you need to sustain your life, if it is truly what will keep you alive and give you that "second chance" then you NEED to gain strength and do what need to be done for them to give the go-ahead. Now is not the time to lose faith! BTW, they HAVE to tell you WHY it was "denied". Call them back and demand a letter be sent to you stating the exact reason why so you know where to go from here!
Good Luck!
Hi Tracie
After I posted I got MAD and called them back I told her I have a right to know why. She said it wasn't denied yet she said they need more clinical information and I said what information she said she could not give that to me that the doctor's office will get a letter explaining what is missing. So I am hoping it is just a note they need and not something big. I am a fighter but I have lost a little of my touch. But is I get mad enough I am sure it will come back
Anyway just a little road block hopefully it will open. I wish they would call me back (mercy Capitol) I have a call into them and I am waiting to hear what they got. She probably will not get to me soon.
Thanks for listening

They say the things that we want most out of life we have to fight for. I know sometimes we get tired of fighting. I know I do. Just keep your chin up. They will get what they need . We all are here for you. Two days before I went into surgery my surgeon told me he wasn't going to do this surgery on me because in 6 months I changed 1 lb. I sat in his office for an hour fighting and crying cuz I wanted this surgery and before I left he agreed and put me back on the schedule. I am now almost 2 yrs out and at goal finally. So if this surgery is meant to be it will happen. My boyfriend always says be patient (not me) but i have learned to listen to him (sometimes I do and sometimes I let him think I do and I really don't).....But remember we are here for you no matter what.......Lynda
You are going to go threw alot of emotions. Boy they are working in fast which is good. Just keep a positive out look. Where are you going to have the surgery done. I had mine two yrs ago and i had lots of complications. And even with all those complications i would do it again in a heart beat. no regrets here one bit. i finally hit my goal . i started out at 289 and after surgery i got up to 320 and i am not at 145 lbs. so you can do it. you just remind your self it is worth it all and one thing i love is finding out guys checking me out which is fun......good luck....Lynda
Yeah Yeah Yeah yea yea yea yea!!!!!!!!
YEAH!!!! We Both got our approvals!!!
I am SO excited for you!!!! Wow, your surgery will be here before you know it !!!
I wish I didn't have to wait, but it'll be here before I know it and the holidays will help the time fly...
YEAH for the Angels!!!
WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!