Whooo hoooooo gf
Congrats I am soooo excited for you....I know this is the best thing I have done for myself in years!!!! I dont regret a thing! Just think of all that extra energy you will can be out there playing football with those boys of yours next summer
If the Nerves get to much call me or e-mail me ok!!let me know when that date is k..(((BIG HUG))) Talk to ya soon

Congratulations. I am very excited for you. It is normal to have anxious feeling right now. And all the way through really. They are great people in Grinnell and will make you feel real comfortable. It won't be long now until you are on the loosing side. Isn't that just great. Get them called and get that date then it will seem real. Believe me, time will fly right by now. Cindy G.
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! you will go threw so many emotions and it is very normal. One thing you may here from people is you are taking an easy way out. I have to say no you are not....We all will be here to help you with all the different emotions you go threw. again good for you!!!!!!!!! Just wait till you can say you are a loser and be proud of it. I am a proud that i am a loser!!!!!!!!!!!! Lynda