No sugar added vs. Sugar free
Hello there! I was out shopping tonight after work (I am such a night owl) and I started to look at the vitamins and calcium supplements and the popsicles, etc. in preparation for my surgery next month. Well I found two different brands of popsicles that looked yummy: one was "No added sugar" and the other was "Sugar free". I read the differences in the labeling on the back of each item. I am wondering how these will affect me after surgery.
Do I still run the risk of dumping on the no added sugar since there is still natural fruit sugars in it? And is it possible to find a sugar free liquid Tylenol anywhere? I also bought some viactiv and noticed it is also available sugar free in the chocolate flavor but could not find caramel sugar free (chocolate did not get very favorable reviews). Any help is greatly appreciated.
~Nicole T.

I would go with completely sugar least for a while post-op...maybe add the no sugar added after you know some of your limitations.
I found sugar free Tylenol at Wal-Mart (by the pharmacy).
Viactiv (and Tums) has the wrong type of calcium for RNY post-ops. They contain calcium carbonate which is not absorbed properly and contributes to kidney stone production (even in those with 'normal' digestive systems). RNY post-ops need CALCIUM CITRATE with added Vitamin D & Magnesium for absorbtion.

I would stay away from any kind of sugar, fruit or otherwise for at least the first 3 months following the surgery. As for the s/f tylenol, go to a medicap pharmacy, they have a generic s/f acetaminiphen that is like 3 bucks for this HUGE bottle. I DID have to take in a dr order for them to sell it to me because they keep it behind the counter, not out on the shelves, at least here in Carroll they did. Oh, and you definitely want to get a calcium citrate supp, NOT calcium carbonate. Target sells calcium citrate in a pill...they are not too big, go down easy...and 5 bucks for the beginning you can crush them and mix them with yogurt...
you really won't know if you dum*****t until AFTER the surgery...I find I am a lot more tolerant now 1 1/2 years later than in the beginning, so I suggest being VERY diligent early on.
Good Luck!