Hoping to Have Surgery..
Hi all! I'm in Iowa City and I'm hoping to have WLC assuming insurance goes for it... DH's company is switching to BCBS so *hopefully* it will happen.
Can anyone recommend any hospitals/surgeons that are good? I heard someplace in Cedar Falls is good, but my Aunt couldn't remember which place it was...
Cedar Falls, Quad Cities, Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines.. let me hear about y'alls experiences!

Hi Stacy,
Dr Glas**** in CF is probably who she's talking about. BCBS has the given certain places "Excellence" status - based on several things. I'm sure you'll run into that during the insurance process. Apparently the U has been added to that list also, but I've heard they have a really long wait. I didn't check it out though, so I can't tell ya for sure.
BCBS was awesome for me though - good luck!

Hi! I am 3 weeks post-op and had my surgery in Grinnell. My surgeon was Dr. Coster and he is wonderful! I had a perfect experience and my scar is only about 4" long and healing beautifully! Dr. Coster only does open and not lap. I know that Cedar Falls does the lap surgery and Dr. Coster told me if I wanted that done that he could arrange for me to go there so I think the doctors must work well together!
Hope this helps a little!