Whats everyone doing this week
BESIDES trying to stay warm
It is cold today!!! Tonight is the Halloween parade down-town......It is the first year we were not going to be in it, and I was looking forward to enjoying it for a change....Not now, told my kids SORRY. But man we will freeze and our colds will get a million times worse.....it doesn't start till like 6:30 and goes at least an hour in like 40 degree weather.....NO THANKS!!!!!!! I love it cold and cuddly, but man I gotta chill today I just can't shake with a runny nose to boot! OKAY OKAY enough complaining for one day
Beside my bum freezing, I am actually doing much better! As you all know I have been struggling with myself with weight issues, plastics issues, etc....I took control and I have lost some of those 10lbs.....and soon they will all be gone
And I am so not worrying about my upper ab area.....yeah I don't like it right now, but there is nothing that can be done RIGHT NOW, so there is no reason being mad and upset....when I am 6 months out or whatever, I will get it fixed, until then....I gotta be happy that it is 100% better than before! I think I was beating myself up to a point of making everything 100 times worse......I gotta admit that seeing the shrink is helping a lot too! You would think I would have a handle on all of this at almost two years out......but in some ways it feels like it is actually just starting.....I mean I have to take responsibility now for what goes in my mouth, or the exercise I do or do not do.....it was pretty easy sailing the first year and half......man the work is starting now! But I can do it!! Of course NOT without the help of most of you guys!
This is my major support group! Jeez more rambling! Okay so this weeks plans..........Got some appts this week, housework of course, Friday night a halloween dance at the kids school, Sat a halloween movie at the theater......then home to do some work around here with hubby and thats about it! We did manage to get a date night Friday night ......it was nice! Went to the Unidome Sat for the craft show with a girlfriend.....that was nice too! Sunday we went shopping all day in Davenport, that was nice too! Busy, busy, busy!!! Take Care and I hope to hear from everyone.....getting kinda slow around here again!!

Hi Jesi...yep I agree on the slow but I am just as guilty sorry! Just busy I got moved and have 2 jobs at the present so I manage to stay busy,lol I am terrible about just lurking around here and not posting so maybe I can get it better this week! Sorry to hear you all have colds...and yes it is toooo cold already I wasnt ready for it
Well have a good week and stay warm... Lori

Hi Jesi:
Sorry to hear about the colds but glad to hear you are mentally doing better. When I first started with wls, I was checking this board out and saw you were very active. your responses to everyone are so warm and truly thoughtful. I am glad to see you are back. As for me, I just got ins approval last week and I am to leave on vacation Wednesday with the family. We have reservations at a resort in Key West. I sure hope we can get there. Guess you know where my mind is! Getting back to the topic here, I am now waiting for a clearance from the hospital. Then its testing testing testing. I am so hoping I can get this done before my daughter grads from the U on Dec 17th. Time will tell. Well take care and again, I am glad to see you are back Jesi.
Hi Jesi!!!
Glad your back and feeling better about the plastics!! Sorry about the colds...tis the season LOL
I am almost one year out, and I am finding it much harder to turn down the snacky stuff...I loved it when I just plain wasn't hungry and just ate what I had to, to survive!! My husband and I made some beef jerky, and that helps a LOT!!
My weeks are pretty mundane, getting son off to school, hubby off to work. My parents and brother live with us, so it is pretty much 11:00 before we (if mom is feeling good, which she has been here lately) get breakfast out of the way and my brother bathed and up for the day. On Mon, Tues, Thurs, mornings (as soon as I take son to bus stop) I walk 3 miles with a neighbor, she works at a chiropractors office Wed, Fri, and on those days, I walk in the evening with another neighbor who works in a dentists office...I am a stay at home mom, and sometimes even though I am very busy, I sometimes feel like I should be working outside of the home to contribute...Long story..another subject LOL
I need to go shopping to find a dress or outfit to wear to a wedding, that I am going to in PA (traveling with inlaws and my 11 yr. old son) not sure how that is going to go!! but looking forward to seeing family that hasn't seen me since losing 117lbs!!!
Take Care,

{{{HUGZ}}} Jesi
Well as for this week...Monday thru Friday I take my Nieces kids to & from school plus im joinning the YMCA...I will be babysitting my Grandkids Wed & Thur...Every night my DH still packs my tummy wound which has been the longest 3 months & the good news is its almost closed I thinking by next week whooooooohooooooo...
{{{HUGZ}}} Jesi
Well as for this week...Monday thru Friday I take my Nieces kids to & from school plus im joinning the YMCA...I will be babysitting my Grandkids Wed & Thur...Every night my DH still packs my tummy wound which has been the longest 3 months & the good news is its almost closed I thinking by next week whooooooohooooooo...
I'm tired and need to go to bed, but I just had to say - I'M FREEZING!! My friends keep telling me it's just because I've lost a lot of weight, quickly, but holy crap!
I didn't even think about this! I guess I didn't think it would get this cold, this fast either. I'm glad that I love the cold weather though - I have plenty of sweaters to load on!
I'm glad talking to someone is helping... I agree about the plastics. It doesn't look right, but look at how much better it is! When you can get it fixed, do it - and worry about it then. Good luck with that, it really doesn't look that bad, but I realize that it's really easy for ME to say that! The most important thing is for YOU to be ok with it.
OK, really, going to be now - I'm not even sure this is making sense anymore!

Hi Jesi,
Sorry to hear about the colds. Hope you all start feeling better soon. Hey, does the coughing make your tummy hurt? I still can't cough without it hurting & I wonder if I'm just odd.
My husband left for his annual hunting trip to Wyoming last Wednesday so it's been just me & the boys. It's surprising how much faster chores get done when dad is gone. Al should be coming home late this week. I haven't heard if they got their elk yet & won't be too disappointed if they don't. Can't stand the smell of elk meat.
Tomorrow I see the gastroenterologist again. I've had some pain during the last 2 weeks but nothing like the night that scared me. I suspect that we won't be doing anything more unless it gets bad again. I really don't want any more surgery. I scheduled my bladder repair for Dec 12. Three surgeries in one year are plenty for me.