Up Up and Awayyyyy......lol
OMGoodness.....I just opened an email this afternoon from Brazil and I have a Medical Vacation planned and paid for! Yikes, I leave 1 week from Tuesday!
My BCBS-Iowa refused me PS after loosing 90# with Lap MGB and Dr. Aly wanted $12,000 (back in 2002) to do my TT (LBL). I didn't have that much cash lying around and my concern was with also needing saggy boobs fixed, arms, etc. that combining proceedures would be the thing to do. Might save me some hair and money and probably better for me healthwise. But Dr. Aly wouldn't combine.
To make my long story short, I read posts from others who went there and all the awesome prices they got so now I've been going for almost 3 years. I've had roughly 25 proceedures done and I "guarantee" that I look absolutely nothing like a "Barbie" but that I still look like me just not so wrinkled and saggy.
Anyway, I'll get off my podium about going abroad and I'll just say anyone's welcome to come to medicaltourism-brazil on Yahoo Groups to check out my before and after pics and see the prices I copied and placed in the Files section for yourself. I surely don't mean to brag but I definately want to share the idea with those who find themselves in the position I had to deal with.
Where there's a will there's always a way!
Best wishes to you all,
[email protected]
Peggy in Belle Plaine, IA