I'm Baaaaack
Hey guys!! I made it to the "other" Side. I am 4 days post-op and still not feeling the greatest. I spend alot of time in bed, which I hate
but I am getting up a little more everyday. But my dh has gotten me this far. I still have quite a bit of pain in the tummy area. I get nausiated ALOT,
but that is just me. Whenever I get dizzy, I automatically get nasious. I have always been that way. Yuk. This is not a fun ride. My daughters have been awesome. One fixes me anything that I can "have" to eat (STILL a clear liquid diet), and the other one makes sure that I get up and walk. We just took a walk around the farm. So I am totally blessed to have such wonderful support. If I can share anything with those waiting to have this surgery, it is this.... be sure you have alot support. This was a major surgery, and you will need someone with you 24/7. Like I said, I am on day 4 and still need my husband to help drain, give me pain liquid and keep my stats for my surgeon, and my daughters for all their loving encouragement. My oldest did a no-no today. She make me laugh! BIG MISTAKE. hahaha.... don't do it. But it was nice for her to say it was good to hear me laugh. So... all is getting better. Prayers are still needed and very much appreciated. I hope in another week I can report that i am feeling much better. We'll see. Take care and email me if you want to . Lots of love and thanks out to you Jesi, for your calls and your encouragement. Call me when you come to CC again. love terri

Hi Terri:
I have been waiting for you to check in. You have been on my mind alot lately. I am so glad that everything went as planned and you are now on the losing side. I got my ins approval last week. Won't be long and i will be there with you. you take care,get your rest and every day will be easier.
Kathy V.
The best things you can do are sip your water, walk a little, and get lots of rest!!!! Laughing is bad, but so good
Just wait until you have to sneeze.....now that hurts!!! Everyday you'll get lit bits better! How is everything going down?? Is the nauseoa getting better I hope?? If not there are pills they can give ya to help......I had them
and they did work.....like we talked about it before, I am a real nauseas (sp) person after surgery too! I will be in CC the weekend of the 5th....you should be feeling much better by then and hopefully we can get together again!!! Take care