Need suggestions for milk intolerance! :)
My daughter, Sara, is not tolerating milk products since WLS 3 weeks ago--instant diarrhea!! She is a little frustrated because a lot of the things she can eat now has milk in it. Eggs are hard for her to tolerate. Do you have any suggestions so she has some variety? She is in the soft/pureed stage right now. Much Thanks!!!

Has she tried soy milk? Can she tolerate cheese or cottage cheese?
Lactolse intolerance is what I am now but I can eat cheese and cottage cheese and yogurt. Eggs were very difficult that early after surgery for myself. ANd instant diarrhea is common among wls patients I don't believe I ever have had a normal bowel movement. I know some get constipated but not I. It is like dumping and that is basically what we do. I ate alot of yogurt and cheese and cottage cheese at that stage.
I am sure you will get some more suggestions take care Kim
Can she use lactase enzymes? I know you can get it in tablets or liquids. I remember someone at my Drs office saying that I might have to use it for awhile - not sure if her Dr would approve it or not. There is lactose treated or reduced milk also.
Personally, I'm not supposed to have much (if any) soy products because of my thyroid, so I was looking into other options just in case. Hope she finds something that works.