I graduated!
I graduated today from therapy!
I was able to figure out why I eat. It's for comfort, like most of us. But I realized that eating to fill that hole and eating because I like the taste are all the same. My best memories as a child are mealtimes with us all together and my parents actually paying attention to me. I realized I am not fat. I am thin. A fat person doesn't wear a size 8 or 10. Except for my tummy, I look pretty good. And as soon as I have the TT, I'll look great! I am okay with myself, I've seemed to find the peace I was looking for. I'm not really sure how I've done that, but it's happened. I've learned not to be so hard on myself when I think I've messed up.
I've also learned that I really need to write down what I'm eating. I have no concept of how much I'm eating if I don't write it down. I don't eat much at a time, but when you eat all day! Not good!
Next week I'm going to see my bariatric doc. He does TT for his WL patients. I know he's not a plastic surgeon. But I really trust him. And I really like him. I'm also going to see the dietician. I want to be sure I'm eating the way I should at this point. I really don't know how many calories, prot, carbs I should be doing at this point.
I think part of the improvement in my mood is that I'm not so danged pooped anymore. I ordered vitamins from Susan Maria and they seem to be helping. I really do feel better. I must have been deficient in something.
Good luck to everyone who is playing Powerball, but you aren't gonna win - I am!

Lyn- I am so glad to hear that things are going better for you! Your post reminds me to set up my first appt post-op with my counselor. She has worked with several people who had the surgery and she focuses and working with women who have weight "issues". I am having a LOT of head hunger right now- at least I think that is what I am feeling because I think about eating ALL THE TIME! I even feel a little sad about not being able to join my family in eating some of our favorite dishes- I must be sad about the food because I am with them so its not that I am missing them!! I am glad your journey is back on the right track and best wishes for you. - Nan