2 More Days....
Hello all... just wanted to say how greatful this site (and you guys...) have been through my journey to WLS. This Wednesday I will be having surgery at Satori Hospital. Dr. G truly made me feel that this surgery was going to go off without a hitch. I hope so. I am really getting anxious now, but trying to stay calm, as my husband and daughters don't need to see that I am nervous.
My husband has been so clingy these last couple of weeks. He has gone with me to all my doctor appointments (and believe me, there have been many).... and he has to put up with me!!! That is a job in itself. He is scared, but won't say so. I worry about his health (heart) so that is why I want to seem calm and ready. My husband takes very good care of me. I am truly blessed.
I also want to ask you all to pray for my friend Marlis. She had surgery starting at 11:00 a.m. this morning. With her complicated underlying health issues, this surgery will take at least 8 hours. I am scared for her, but know that she has no other alternative. She is an awesome person (my nurse at my Physicians office). She is loved by all. I will let you know as soon as I find out anything regarding her condition.
Also, please pray for me. I am so ready to get this over with, and these last couple of days are stressing me out. Any last words of wisdom before I plunge? Anything I should be prepared for? What do I take with me to the hospital? I already know that I will have a catheter (yuk) and some kind of port in my upper arm. NOT looking forward to any of that. But if that is the price I pay for health, bring it on. Terri
Congratulations Terri, I knew you could make it through the 2 weeks. Now the fun begins!
Some people suggest that you take your own pillow to the hospital if you are particular about the one you use and I know of gals who took along a fan. However, I believe that if you're warm they probably have them and I never had a problem with the pillows. Be sure to bring chap stick/lip balm. Your lips will get dry since we can't drin****il after the leak test the next morning. You will be given a spray to wet your mouth. It's kind of icky but does the trick.
I have met Marlis & agree that she is a real sweetheart. Several of us actually have gotten to know her a bit because she has been coming to support group. I'll keep her in my prayers and you too.
I hope all went well with Marlis! You will have to update us! I had a great time at coffee Saturday morning! You seem like you are so ready for this life changing event! Like I said before....this is a great asset (the site) But you are so lucky to have that Satori support group and people like Dixie and them to help ya out!!! And I will also give you a heads up when I come to town....and give you my number.....you can call anytime you want with questions....I am a great listener!!! Wishing you nothing but the best tomorrow
And I know you'll be fine and with that hubby and those girls to help ya, your recovery will be smooth too!!! Take Care and Gob Bless!!! Can't wait to hear an update on ya!!!

You have done so well, I'm not sure how well I would have done on a liquid diet before surgery. I ate anything and everything right up until the night before surgery. Don't know that was a good thing but I didn't have any problems. I wish you well with a speedy recovery. I will be praying for you and thinking of you alot tomorrow. I hope your friend came out ok. She sounds like a very nice person to have for a friend. Enjoy the attention your husband is giving you it will probably only get more intense for a while until you are healed. And maybe even longer. My husband has been very good to me since surgery. He cooks his own meals and doesn't make me even sit at the table with him while he eats all those things I used to love to stuff in my face. That helped alot. I'm not sure how the people with families at home do it. I am sure I would have been able to if forced to do it. Well just wanted to support you on your decision and tell you how great you have done so far. Keep up the good work, you will be a winner at loosing. Good luck Cindy G.