long time no posting
Hi all
Sorry for not posting for so long...shame on me. Life has been busy around here. I had a surprise b'day party for my dad last weekend, he WAS actually surprised! His brother was here from California & 3 cousins from Denver showed up also. We had a lot of fun! Dad was the oldest of 11 kids & he had never had a b'day party in his life so at age 73 he had his first one. There were 40 ppl that showed up, can't believe it was a surprise with that many knowing!
Cousin Patty took pics of me, several of them which I will post when I get them. Wait til you see the one with me wearing the clothes from my first pic! I can fit into one pant leg now in those jeans!!
Still working at the bar but have accepted a job as a caretaker which will start in a couple of weeks at an assisted living home. Christmas is sneaking up on us fast & usually have most of my shopping done by this time but been lacking funds to do so this year. Only have a few things bought so far. Slipping in my old age....tomorrow is my 51st b'day
I keep telling people I didn't start living til WLS.
Hope this finds all of you doing well.

Goodmorning Carol! No need for apologies...the same thing is happening to all of us LOL We are actually lving life, and no****ching it from the side lines...Yeah us!!!
Yeah, Christmas is sneaking up on us..Only have 2 gifts bought...not good!
So happy to hear your doing and feeling wonderful, and your daddy too!!

Hey happy birthday to you....happy birthday
Hey it is a bummer not seeing you around....but glad your out there enjoying yourself! I wasn't on the boards for a couple weeks (thats an eternity for me) becuase was down in the dumps......I actually gained 10lbs
But I know why and I am trying to work on it!!!! Good luck with the new job.....are you gonna give up the bar, or do both?? Make sure your getting sleep woman!!!! How is Katie doing in school? Your dad's a lucky guy....sounds like the party was a blast!!!! My hubby turns 30 in December and I am in the begining of planning a surprise party for him......so many choices!!! Anyways....glad to hear from ya....hows the weight doing?? Take Care and come back more often
WE miss ya!!! P.S. Don't wanna brag...
I am almost done Christmas shopping
Seriously I ALWAYS wait until the last minute and spend WAY to much money.....This year I decided to take a different approach and I have been slowly buying all year
I am so proud of myself
Take Care

Happy Birthday that is great to be living life new now. It really makes a difference doesn't it. I knew the weight was keeping me from doing alot of things I thought I wanted to do, but I never realized how many things. It just seems easier to do them now that I am not carring another person around. ( I have lost 140 lbs ) You will be awesome at taking care of people. After all you have been doing it for ever now, you may as well get paid to do it. You have alot of compassion which makes a good caretaker. Don't over work yourself though. Take time for you and your family. Easier said than done sometimes. It was so good to hear from you and to know things are going so good for you right now. Is your father going back to Florida this year? I know how hard it is to let him go. My parents have been going to Texas every winter now for over 20 years and each year it gets harder to let them go.
Keep posting when you have time and let us know how the new job is going. I don't even want to think about Christmas, I am a bah humbug at that time, not sure why though. Never enough money to get all the presents, I guess that is why. Oh well I will never have enough money because the more we make the more we spend it seems. Have a great day and CELEBRATE BIG. Cindy G.