I have a date!!!
Great News!
I have my insurance approval and a date set for surgery!! Initially my goal for surgery was Oct 17th, but things just did not fall into place until this past Thursday. Now my date is November 28th.
It seems like a long time away, but I just realized today that it is the Monday after Thanksgiving! I'd better get a jump on holiday shopping because I bet I won't feel like shopping for a couple weeks post-op, I am sure. Now I have my protein supplements, and my snowcone maker, a hand blender and liquid Tylenol already. What was your saving grace to have at hand during your first week post-op

Thanks April. All prayers are welcome! Today I received my official written notice of coverage form insurance. It is like reading greek
and I am a nurse! I am going to keep enjoying this beautiful midwest weather! The leaves have been falling gently from trees like the first snowflakes. I am enjoying this calmness while I can. ~Nicole

One more thing you might want to have on hand. This sounds absolutely gross but it really helps. After surgery it will be difficult for you to reach to wipe your bottom after a BM. It will hurt, believe me. If you don't want to ask someone to do it for you, and I just could not bring myself to ask my husband of 32 years, take a long handled wooden spoon from your kitchen & wrap the tissue around the spoon & use that to reach where you need to reach. Because it's wood the tissue stays in place & you can just rip it off when you are done, wash the spoon, and set it aside for the next time you need it. Wooden spoons are cheap. You can toss it when you no longer need it. I used this tip both after my WLS & my tummy tuck. It was a life saver for me.
Sounds like your all set to go! Sf popsicles were so wonderful, its very hard to get your liquids in at first you literally have to sip sip sip all day long! and I used them to take my crushed meds
with. I used the tip and mixed my meds in it, then followed each bite with a bite of popsicle, and it helped a lot...you have to do this for a month. Here is the ONLY way I found to get my protein in...
1 scoop EAS Premium whey protein-vanilla (walmart)
4 large frozen SF strawberries
1/2 banana
7 moon shaped ice cubes (counting each as an oz.)
2 oz cold water...can substitute ice and water with skim milk.
3/4 packet splenda (or to taste)
Blend well...enjoy (works great to take supplements with once you no longer need to crush)
I tried ordering all the samples that everyone talks about...personally I could not stand them. everyones taste buds are different.
sending Best Wishes and Hugs your way...you bring back memories...wanting to get all the holiday stuff done ahead of time...3 trees in my home, went to 2 last year lol

MMMmmmm... that sounds good. Thanks for the tip! I know there is so much to do before surgery. It sends my head spinning.
I have to complete an online class before surgery, get ready for the holidays, get out the Christmas tree, wash windows, finish shopping, stock up on groceries...
lots of things to juggle.
I am worried about crushing my meds too. I have accidently chewed my Zoloft before and it was nasty!
I see you are from Blue Grass...that is not too far from me. Where did you have surgery?
Thanks again for the good thoughts!

Congrats, Nicole! The days really will fly by and Nov 28th will be here before you know it. I am with Dixie- get something to reach with. I got a "boomerang" thing. I asked in the hospital what I would do- the nurse was totally unconcerned and said if that happens, we will help you. I was horrified at the idea of someone else doing that for me. In fact I cried about it one night- something about the nights for the first week after surgery!! Anyway, they didnt give anything to me at the hospital but my mom is a nurse and works with hip surgery patients at a hospital in Iowa City. She called the occupational therapy group and asked if she could buy one and they said just to come get it- no need to pay. I think the spoon thing would probably work too but the boomerang is a bit curved. Anyway- that is the only thing not already on your list that I would recommend. Best of luck to you! - Nan