First Post Op Appointment
Dr. Coster is on vacation so I met with Dr, Kermode. They were amazed how well I was moving, bending, ect. That kind of scared me thinking maybe something had gone wrong!! They laughed and said a lot of recovery is mental and making sure you were moving around from the beginning of post surgery. When they said "mental" I though....ya that's me! LOL Anyway they were very pleased and I go back in 6 weeks to see Dr. Coster. Still no lifting, vacumning, ect. It is hard for me not to hold my 29 pound granddaughter. I would never lift her but someone sets her on the counter and then I can kind of lean into her and she things that I am holding her! Pretty sneaky, huh? She is not used to Nana being like this! Poor little girl! She will have a new brother or sister in 3 weeks so hopefully that baby will weigh under 10 pounds!! Brynley weighed 11 1/2!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful day everyone!!!!!!!!!