Getting closer!!!
I called Mercy Capitol yesterday and told her about my sleep study (that I don't have apnea) and she said she could start the insurance process!!! I am glad I didn't wait for the doctor report which takes 2-4 weeks. Now I have to get my endocrinologist to write a letter next week and fax it to Melanie then she is going to submit it to my insurance! I am scared because I do not have many co-morbids. But I will leave it at that and PRAY! I hope so hard this will be covered. It takes 48 hours to get the answer. If it is approved they can schedule it in 2 weeks. I am so excited I want to get it done. I would like to do it in November.
Thank you everyone for being so helpful and I can't wait to be on the losing side too!

Wow Angel, it sounds like it is getting closer! What a great Christmas present you will be giving yourself!! As for the co-morbids...I didn't have any either, I realise that our insurances are different but it didn't hinder me being approved.
Good Luck, hope to see you again soon, if you want to call me, my # is 563 542-7167

Hello Nancy,
How are you doing! We should get together again. I will give you a call later this week and we can chat. I am getting excited I am thinking wow this is really going to happen because I did all the leg work to start it. I do get scared wondering if I am doing the right thing but I put it out of my mind and move forward.
Talk to you soon
Hi Angela, I am going to Mercy Capitol also. I just got approved and am Having my surgery on Oct 24. Just to let you know if you have any problems. Melanie always told me I would never get approved. That pricipal never approves. Mine went right through no problems. They said it was the best they had ever seen. So if you have trouble e-mail me and I will give you my number and see if I can be of any help. [email protected] Have Melanie call and I will give permission to her to use my stuff if needed. Good Luck!! See you on the losing side soon.
Hi April
I bet my surgery will be close to yours if my insurance approves it! I have tricare (military insurance) and they have never had a denial from them yet. I am close to being 200% overweight and that is thier criteria I am 13 pounds away from it. I have a lot of back, knee, hip and ankle pain. I have hypothyroidism. So I do feel the affects of being overweight. When did you set the date? They told me it can be set in 2-4 weeks.
I look froward to chatting with you!
Hi Angel, It took about one month from the time they sent in my paper work to my surgery date. It took about 9 days for my insurance. They have you go to a meeting to teach you about your drains, shots and what surgery people will do. You get all your labs, chest x-ray and talk to Marilyn in finance. They say most of the time these meetings are on Thursdays. Then the next week you have your surgery. We have to eat light for 2 days and then the day before you eat a light breakfast and have to take magnisium citrate. You than don't eat the rest of the day. Drink Drink Drink. Good luck I will watch for your surgery date.
Angela- I have just been in your very shoes- insurance limbo is an awful state that I do not want to visit again anytime soon! I too do not have too many comorbidities-- YET! But my family history is a road map of what lies ahead for me at my current weight. Hold tight to your dreams and remember that even if the initial response is not what you are hoping for that you can always (and should I think) send an appeal letter. best of luck to you!! Nicole
Hi Nicole,
I have a lot of family history of diabetes, high cholesterol early deaths ect. I am close to being 200% overweight and that is thier criteria I am 13 pounds away from it. I have a lot of back, knee, hip and ankle pain. I have hypothyroidism. So I do feel the affects of being overweight. I will appeal it if they denial I don't back down until all avenues are cross! Best of luck to you too!
Angel: The waiting is horrible. I have been waiting for a week so far for insurance approval. I leave with my family on the 26th for vacation and I am so hoping I have some word by then.Your lucky you do not have any co-morbids (maybe not good for insurance). I am not looking forward to the two week fluids, but I will do it. I can be pretty determined that way, if I know i need to do something or am told to do something, no problem for me. I need to remember, I am the one doing this, and I am the one that got me to this point. It did not happen in a few weeks, so I just need to be patient. Listem to me, I need to know and I need to know now!!!!!!!! Anyways good luck to you and maybe we will be going through this together.
Hi Kathy,
I am close to being 200% overweight and that is thier criteria I am 13 pounds away from it. I have a lot of back, knee, hip and ankle pain. I have hypothyroidism. So I do feel the affects of being overweight. I am supposed to lose 5-10 pounds and I am not doing so good I need to get in gear now because it is getting closer.I do not have to do a liquid diet before I guess I am lucky
Good luck with it!