Hi Everyone!
This is a new beginning for me. So far I am out of the shoot having my consult done, psych eval done and am waiting for insurance approval. I am going with Dr. Glas**** in Ceder Falls. My insurance is BCBS/Classic Blue. Needless to say, I am not looking forward to the 2 week liquid diet. Believe me I will need a little cheese with my whine!! I told my husband that there will be no cooking during that time. He can eat all he wants before he comes home, but that will be it. He could loose alittle too. I would like to congratulate everyone who is on the loosing side and hope to be there myself one day. This is a wounderful communication source for me. Will say goodby for now.
Hey Kathy,
I can't even imagine having to do a liquid diet for 2 weeks. I'm going nuts on my high protein/no grain diet. All I want is carbs carbs carbs. Yesterday I had to bring home chinese take out to my husband and child. Oh the heavenly scent of crabmeat rangoons. Plus we live in a teeny town that's almost 30 minutes from the chinese place we like in Davenport. I couldn't get out of the car fast enough.
I had 6 slices of smoked turkey, a piece of lowfat cheese, and lettuce to wrap them in. Soooooo not fair. But compared to a liquid diet I guess I'm eating gourmet. Good luck and remember it's worth it.

Kathy...believe me. The two week liquid diet does get easier after the first 4-5 days.. I was on a "clear" liquid diet for two weeks now (well, tomorrow will be two weeks) and I have surgery on Wednesday. My intake consisted of chicken/beef broths, SF jello, SF popsicles, iced tea, crystal light and water. THAT IS IT!!!
I have survived.
Saturday night we had my nieces wedding. THAT was a test. They had all that good food and cake and mints. OMG. But, I knew that for my own safety during surgery, I could not cheat. And you know what? I didn't. It was an awesome feeling, to know that I had control. It wasn't easy, don't get me wrong, but I did it. My husband told me today that he was so proud of me. I know how hard this is, but friend. It is safer to do lap surgery if your liver is way small and out of the way. Just keep thinking that this two week diet could make all the difference in your surgery outcome. My family did eat out alot, but they also were able to cook here. All I did was lock myself in the computer room until they were done and all the "left overs" were out to the dog. It really works. Good luck with your journey. Mine is about to start level 2 . Surgery is Wed. I am anxious, but truly believe that the Lord will protect me and guide the hands of Dr. G. I will see you on the losing side. God Bless

Kathy -
I am at the same position and start that you are at. Dr Glas**** is doing mine as well. I am just waiting for Insurance Approval. I have BCBS PPO. I am so hoping that insurance approves it. I did hear that the liquid diet is not as bad as you think. My girlfriend just went through it and she said that it was not bad at all. Let me know when you hear from your ins. I was hoping to have the surgery before the end of the year not sure that that is going to happen though.