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Actually I got out a day early on Wednesday- but today is the first day I have felt like getting on. Don't get me wrong, I feel good all things considered, just really tired. Doing my walking- actually I wouldnt have the option not to. My mom is a nurse and she has been with me every day and then in the evening my hubby and kids are home. She keeps me on a schedule and challenges me to keep getting better. But she also does really sweet things like rub lotion on the bottoms of my feet which I just cant yet seem to reach! I will be so glad when the tenderness starts to subside and I feel more energy. I am taking two-three naps a day and going to bed by 9pm at the latest! I just want to be able to run around again- I guess that will come soon enough, I will just keep walking!! At any rate, thank to everyone who has been so nice to answer all of my questions, alleviate my fears and send me good wishes. I think your wishes worked as I had an uneventful surgery and recovery is going pretty smooth. I can definitely tell I am going to have issues with mental hunger! I see food and think- mmmm..that would be good. That is going to take some work to get past! Anyway- enough rambling. I just wanted everyone to know I am doing well and I appreciate all of you on this board- you've helped me get off on the right foot in this journey. Later, Nan
Hi Nan! I am so happy that your surgery went well and you will be feeling stronger and stronger every day! I had surgery 5 days before you and when I look back to 1 week ago it is just amazing how much better I feel! It is so nice that you have your mom to help and keep you on track! With a family at home I'm sure that would be difficult! Take care of yourself!