Updated my PS pics
Now you guys can take a looksie and see why I am bummed. I guess the reason I am bummed is because I have seen so many pictures where people turn out normal.....nothing like my bulge....and I paid so much extra to have that done......we are by no means wealthy.....so to spend that kind of money, now it just seems like a waste......I would have rather had new furniture
Oh well......take a look and give me your honest opinion! Take Care
P.S. Dixie~is this also what your girlfriend is dealing with an under the boob bulge??

Okay Jesi....I've seen worse but this isn't good. I just want to pluck you right out of this screen and "force" you to go with me to my surgeon.
Tell me that your insurance paid for this and not you? Not that that makes it "okay" or anything.....it just makes it better than had you had to come up with like $15K.
From your pics....you got those little fat pockets just under your boobs right on your rib cage like I have. That should have had lipo. And the doctor "attempted" to cinch the skin from side to side since he did the inverted T incision on you but evidently he wasn't aggressive enough. I don't want to go on about how he could have done better which would only make you feel worse but the good news is that it's not so messed up that it can't be fixed.
The doctor I use could probably fix that for about $1,800 but you'd need to go to Brazil. Do what I did.......write it off as medical expenses and you'll sorta get a vacation out of the whole deal. I go twice per year if I can and there's already a couple ladies talking about March. One wanting to go with me if I get my tickets for November. Working on that this week.
Anyway, let me know if there's anything I can do to help you get this fixed. Peggy in Belle Plaine
By the way.....email me privately. [email protected] I'd like to know who the surgeon was that did this. People need to be informed and they need to know who did this. Maybe some thinks it's good work but most would say no!
Thanks for sharing your pics, Jesi! As for the left over buldge....shouldn't they be responsible to fix that since that is what you paid to have done? Why should YOU have to fix THEIR mistake? I guess I don't know much about the plastics thing yet so maybe I am out of line. However, sweetie, I am sure you are just drop dead gorgeous in your clothes!!!!! You look wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! When I look back at where you started and where you are now...oh, my!

Hi Jesi: I am new to all of you as today is my first day entering info. By your pictures, it looks so sore. I do agree with your last entry, why should you have to pay for what was someone elses mistake? I would start there. You are a beautiful person and have gone a long ways. Good luck to you.
KAthy V.
Actually, except for the "bulge" your tummy tuck looks great. Nice & flat in the tummy area & aren't you happy to be rid of all that extra skin? I'm sorry you're disappointed & I hope you share it with your PS. Maybe she can make an adjustment that will make it better, especially if she indicated it would be better than it ended up.
Denise's problem is actually the tummy area. It was still really poochy, although it is somewhat better that it was when I saw it, I believe.
Many people have lots of extra skin above the belly button & usually a tummy tuck won't help that part. The incision just doesn't go that far up. I know that one of my friends talked to a PS about above belly button excess skin & he said he could do a procedure much like an upside down tummy tuck below the breasts that would get rid of the extra skin there. She decided against it though. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I'm a little loose but no bulge.
I had my 2 month check with my PS today & asked him if he could do anything about the stitching that makes me look like my butt crack goes to my waist. He's not sure if it will help but is going to excise a bit & make the incision a bit straighter & maybe that will help. I scheduled it for early Dec in his office. He said it would only take a half hour or so & I'll be able to go to work after. After he left the room, the nurse came in to take the after pictures & she agreed with me. She would want it changed also.
I'm at work right now & not alone so wasn't able to look at your photos closly. I'll try to look again as soon as I'm alone. I really don't care to have anyone looking over my shoulder.
Oh, and guess what? When the doctor was looking at my backside he took a look at my inner thighs, the part he wasn't too excited about fixing last summer. I made the remark that I really hated them & he said he could fix them. That's what I wanted him to do a coupel months ago! Now he has me thinking about getting them done after all. I told him I want to get to my goal before I do anything else & then I also have to save up the money (or kill off Al for his insurance! Dr B smiled at that remark) before I can do any more plastic surgery. I figure it would be possibly 2 years of so before I can save the money, if my husband would go along with it even. I had promised myself that I would stop at 2 procedures but now I'm not so sure. Sigh, I wish we all had the money to pay for all we need done. Wouldn't that be perfect? I didn't even ask how much. Maybe I'll do that when I go back in December. Way I'm going I'll never get to my goal anyway so I might as well stop dreaming.

I hope you didn't think I was making light of your concerns. I certainly didn't mean to. I finally got to look at the pictures this morning & I don't blame you for being upset & feel she should & can fix the problem. I didn't realize how far up she cut. I though she only went to around the belly button and if that had been the case you wouldn't expect any improvement to the part below the breasts. However, as the pictures show she did go up there. It looks to me like she didn't pull the left side in & remove as much from that side. I suspect that she can fix that if she wants to. Have you talked to her about it? I can't remember if you said. I would suspect that she would much rather make the repair than have you telling & showing people what a bad job she did. She may not have much experience with WLS patients. I understand that dealing with our problems is totally different from normal tummy tucks. As more people want plastic surgery to get rid of the redundant skin she will have more patients come to her if they feel she does good work. She's not going to want people to know that she botched your job & will, I suspect be anxious to keep you happy. If it comes to that, be sure to tell her that you know lots of individuals who had surgery & that you will be sure to show them your results.
Go back to her, Jesi & make sure she knows how unhappy you are. If necessary, take your husband & have him tell her too. It wouldn't be a bad idea to look for examples of before & after pictures online to show her that it can be done. I'll help find some if you want.
Hey Dixie.....No, I know you weren't making light of it all.....Your posts actually ground me and make me look at the whole pic....as a whole it is pretty good! The thing is I TELL HER I am unhappy with the buldge and she still just goes on about how nice it looks to her.....SHe is great, has dealt with a lot of post WLS folks, so I just have a hard time with it all, ya know! And at my last appointment.....they did say if the extra skin/buldge didn't adhere after all the swelling is down then she would lipo it
But I would have to wait at least 6 months(from surgery).....she again had to cut me open and drain me, and back to wearing my binder for another month! I guess it isn't the end of the world
It is just easier to blame my bad moods, and terrible eating on something....ya know
But I am doing better and thats the most important thing!! Takes for your calming and always right advice.....Take Care and good luck saving the money for the thighs.....I might (MIGHT) be starting a bood lifter jar myself
Now that my waist is smaller and looks nice.....I would kinda like my breast skin to fit into a bra, and not hang to my knees!!! Take Care