did you guys get my replies???
In my confessions post I replied to almost everyone I think, but only two showed up??? Did everyone get my replies?? If not, I just wanted to thank everyone.....we are in this together and I do RELY on this support. It isn't anything hubby or kids, or close friends can help.....they just truly have no clue what we go thru!!!! I am doing some soul searching and trying to figure out what I need to do for me! I have a handful of things I could/should be doing but a thousand EXCUSES to not do anything. Like today is a prime example......I had great intentions of eating well and getting some housework done.....I even blew off some great coffee plans.....well long story short.....took a two hour nap with the little one....ate like crap.....feel WORSE now.....and only got a few things done. I think I need a life outside of the house. Just lost I guess
Hope all is well with everyone! Take Care

I got a reply, Jesi. Hang in there. I remember what it was like being home all day with the kids(way back before dirt, by the way) and it was so hard to get the gumption to do anything some days. It was just easier to nap with them or play or anything but doing what you really feel you need to do.