Hello everybody
Well, I got my tests done before midnight last night (Sunday). Now, all I have to do is the assignments, and my final presentation. On my final presentation I was thinking to do it on my life, pictures of before surgery and after and some information about gastric bypass, but I have been naughty and haven't been taking pictures, and mom couldn't find any before surgery, so I'm doing one that I have already done from a different computer class and just adding a few touch ups there and here. It's on Custom Haygrinding that my dad owned a couple years ago.
Thanks for the support Cindy and everybody. It will be better this week.
I hope it will be a stressless (or whatever the saying is) week for me and everybody.
Take Care
Love ya
Lisa Young
Glad to hear things are going better for you. We always know things have to get better but it isn't always easy to see this when things are all going so bad. I hope you have been taking care of yourself while you were in the stress zone. I had a great weekend, with my 2 grandsons age 7 & 2 almost 8 & 3 both their birthdays are in Dec. They always make me smile, and keep me more active which is a good thing. I ate better than I had been and that was good also. Now if I can just get food to taste better so I don't mind eatting again that would be great. Maybe I should thank my lucky stars that food doesn't taste good. I won't put all my weight back on this way. Well hope you have a good week and you get all your homework done with out problems. Cindy