Great News!
Hopefully we'll both go full term, it's always better for the babies of course! But I've gone at 38 weeks with my other two, so I imagine I'll go early again!
I found out so early because my OB does ultrasounds at the first appointment on high risk patients to get a better due date than LMP. Even though I've lost all my extra weight I have chronic high blood pressure. So I get lots of ultrasounds to check the growth. So when I got that ultrasound I was able to see two precious babies and got my due date pushed back a week! Darn it!
I'm so excited that I get so many more ultrasounds, first because of the blood pressure, now even more because of the twins. My OB has the 3D ultrasounds, so hopefully right before Christmas I can talk her into seeing my precious ones and find out what we're having!
Are you going to find out the sexes? Do you know if they are identical? It's so nice to be able to share these things with someone whose's going through the same feelings I am.
Oh and I'm not showing yet, I can't wait to though. With the other two pregnancies I never showed really, because of how big I was. But I had a crazy dream last night about how big I'm gonna look carrying the twins! I can still wear my skinny clothes, although my jeans are getting snug, so I bought some maternity pants to grow into.
Take care!