Tummy Tuck Anyone?
OK I know there is a whole board to post on but I know some of you so I want to post these questions here...lets talk tummy tucks...insurance is cracking down and I want every opportunity to get this done the cheapest way possible (I'm sounding like my husband) I know Laurie, Dixie and Jesi all had plastics done..why did or didn;t you like it....type of surgery..... was it covered by insurance...if you feel comfortable...cost of surgery...I'm on my 3rd plastic surgeon now and I'm still searching for the "friend of the gastric bypass patient" that will write up a dinger of a note to Blue Cross Blue Shield to get some money off the bottom line...is this a lost cause? I have quite a bit of skin above and below my belly button..and tons of skin around my hips, butt, thighs and arms.
O and I'm running my 1st race this weekend!! A 5K...no walking...just running...I'm so proud of myself and very excited to run it...I feel like one of those skinny moms that runs in races on the weekends!
Baby Katie is doing great! She's 6 months old and such a sweet good baby...God has blessed us with an easy one this time...Thank You God!
Love to all of you!
Deb Paul

Hi Deb,
Congratulations on your upcoming race! You're a better woman than I. I've walked a 5 K race but never could run one.
I tell everyone that having my TT was the second best thing I have done only for myself. Obviously, my WLS was the first. I have never regretted it for a minute.
But looking back there are a few things I would have done differently. As much as I like my surgeon and as impressed as I am with his skill, I think I would have tried to find a surgeon who would do a lower body lift & my surgeon doesn't do them. That would improve the appearance of the thighs as well as the tummy & butt and done in one procedure. I was told to see Dr Aly in Coralville as he is the best but he is only cash. They don't deal with insurance,from what I've been told.
Also, I would look into getting the anchor cut, like Jesi, as it helps with the extra above the waist. I don't have much but I have some. But then again, I don't think I'd like the scar running down my tummy. I had a hysterectomy scar & it's gone after the TT, as well as some of my scars from the WLS (lap- 7 incisions) & my tubal ligation from 25 years ago. You had your WLS open so already have that vertical incision so probably it wouldn't phase you.
I would have asked for more extensive lipo. I like the results but wi**** went down farther on my thighs. However, the lipo is what hurt the most & is still giving me fits. My right thigh is numb at the top but it should go back to normal in the next few months, I think.
I think I would have gotten closer to my goal before having the surgery. I suspect if I ever do lose this last 15 lbs, I will see more lose skin.
My surgeon says he never can get insurance to cover an abdominoplasty, (TT with muscle tightening) but often insurance will pay for the panni removal. Many surgeons will bill insurance for the panni & then charge the patient for the extras. I definately would get the muscles tightened. Actually, they don't tighten the muscle but the fascia that covers it. I love my flat tight tummy. I don't remember a time when I didn't have a poochy belly, even as a child but not now. Even now, 7 months after the TT, I find myself rubbing it & patting it, much like we all did while pregnant. I call it my newest toy & I play with it all the time.
Deb, my scrapbook is posted online now, if you haven't seen it. You can see it at http://photobucket.com/albums/b69/dixielee50/ The password is dixie . I've removed the before & after shot of my backside but will e-mail it to you if you ask. However, no showing it to your father-in-law! I'd never be able to look him in the eye again!
Oh, I forgot, my TT costs, as well as the second surgery, is on pages in the scrapbook. I have the costs broke down by hospital, surgeon, & anesthesia.
Good luck,
Hi Cindy,
I've been to Cherny's office a few times with my Step-Son. My Step-Son had seriously injured his forearm in a construction accident and cut the tendon/ligament/muscle (one of those three) and had to have it reattached. Cherny did the surgery to attach it but I'm thinking all the Aestetic (beauty) plastic advertisement if fairly new.Seems like "every surgical doctor" is getting into plastics now days. Not saying his work is crap just that even us Iowans are getting into it, lol.
I live in Belle Plaine now after moving from Ames and what I do is I travel to Brazil for all my work. I've been going there fo 3 years now, I've had roughly 25 procedures done, and I'm going again within the next 2 months. I definately use a Concierge Sevice to tote me all around while I'm there but it's well worth the money since the language is Portuguese.
Although I am clearly nothing close to a "Barbie", I'm reaching toward 50 years old, I've lost around 85#, and I'm doing these things for general maintainance reasons. I "DO" claim ALL my medical related expenses off from my income taxes hence the term, "Medical Vacation". I can get RT tickets out of DSM to VIX (Vitora Brazil) for around $800, Breast Lifts there are around $2,500, and Tummy Tucks are like $1,800. If you were to go to Rio.......it's "double" the cost there since Rio is more known. Where I go, it's not known much by Americans but it's slowly becoming popular because of the prices.
Anyway, if anyone would like to meet for lunch someday to see my work or just talk more about the process, I'd be happy to get together sometime. I really believe in going this route otherwords I couldn't pay $16,000 for a LBL here when I can just go there and get the exact same thing for $3,800. Write me privately if you want, [email protected]
Hope this helps,
Hey Deb!
I see you are a ding-a-ling! (for non-handbell people, that's a term of endearment) I saw your name in the AGEHR magazine as a new member. Actually, I have a friend that goes to your church and you may know her - Jo Arnold. She sings on the Praise Team. I am also a ding-a-ling. I'm the director at Christ Our Savior Lutheran in Norwalk. We're in our 2nd year. Good luck working with the kids!
As for TT, I saw Dr. Robbins at Heartland. He seemed okay. He came from Indiana and said that IN BC is pretty strict but under their guidelines, I would qualify. So now I'm waiting. Hopefully I'll know something by the end of the month. One way or another, I'm gonna do it. I need to for my mental health. Everytime I look at myself naked, all I see it that awful stomach. It's hard to feel thin with that still hanging there. If BC will pay for the panni, I'll go ahead and self-pay for the actual tuck and the backside. I figure the biggest cost is the facility. And if BC pays for that, I can swing the rest.
He also said that he won't do the anchor because it compromises too much blood flow and can cause lots of problems.
A caution on deductibilty for cosmetic procedures - they aren't deductible. That from Jo who is an enrolled agent for H & R Block for the last 24 years.
Sorry so late.....Haven't been on much
So nice to see you tho and hear that all is well
Is Katie easier that the twins??? I was shocked when my singleton was HARDER than the twins
As for my plastic surgery.....I had it a little over two months ago and still am not totally happy.....I was actually pretty depressed over it for awhile...the only surgery (in the list of MANY) that I have regretted. My insurance approved me for the basic pannilectomy (just removal of roll basically) But I paid a couple thousand extra to have muscle tightening and anchor cut.....since I am top heavy. So thats why I am so dissapointed I guess......what I paid extra for, sucks
And I am sure your like me and with a young family it isn't easy to come by with the extra money. I am not going to have any more procedures. (knock on wood) You can check out my pics if ya want www.picturetrail.com/jesinjay Take Care and keep us updated on the journey....by the way I got my bill and the total was like $8000 and I paid over 2000......so it was well over $10,000.