Protein bars?
Does anyone have suggestions for protein bars? Not that I'm ready for them yet, but I happened to look at some the other day... they seem to have buttloads of sugar alcohol in them.
I used to keep some around, so that I could get some protein in while running the kids from here to there - thought maybe I should start checking it out.
Otherwise, doing fine. I'm managing to ge****er and protein in - I SO hate the Actigall though. That really is some horrible stuff.

Hi Amy
I eat the South Beach protein bars....peanut butter is really good and I've had no problems with them. As for the sugar alcohols, I look for those now because they ward off that dreaded constipation caused by taking iron.
BTW, the whole dog thing didn't happen. They gave the dog to someone else and didn't give me a reason so I asked them to have the director call me. She did and I gave her an earful (nicely of course) and since she just tried to pass the buck and said she would have a talk with her employees, I wrote a letter to the Editor of the Gazette. Don't know if they will print it but I feel better anyway. Don't think I will ever try to adopt a dog from a shelter again....not worth the roller coaster ride.